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Law Enforcement source blasts NEWS MEDIA for running IOWA HOAX

By from net, Posted in Conspiracies / Conspiracy Theories

A nationally significant DOJ "insider source" tells us its nothing short of "HORRIFYING that the full story of FAKE TERROR news has not come out for widespread public consumption BY NOW, 15 years after the psyop of 9/11". Source confirms the IOWA "cop shooting" story is FAKE - a government run hoax. And also says - "Thirty years ago EVEN IF THIS WERE REAL, it would not have been a national story. It would be a local story. It does not have any REAL national significance even if it were real. The corrupt news media is hyping anything they can to advance the gun grab agenda. Its psyopping, psychological warfare from the DeepState NWO. Think about it soberly, why should such a story from Iowa, EVEN IF IT WERE REAL, be the LEAD STORY on all the network evening news shows? EVEN IF IT WERE REAL, what significance does it have nationally? Any more than a local armed holdup of a liquor store would have national significance? No significance, none. You see what psyopping is? Its using the media to brainwash the public toward a particular political viewpoint. In this case ANTI GUNS. Its political propaganda and the mainstream news media is CONSCIOUSLY COLLUDING.


And meantime, by the way, notice THE EVENING NETWORK NEWS SHOWS did NOT this evening cover today's wikileaks. Think maybe the government and the media together are combined as a ....rigged system? Hmmm?"