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"Iowa shooting of 2 cops" DID NOT HAPPEN= *faked event*, gov't staged

By from various sources, Posted in Politics / National

.. to create tension and heighten interest in and passion for the presidential race.


THE ILLUMINATI CODE WORD HERE IS "coward". Whenever COWARD is used in describing violent terrorizing incidents it is code to all INSIDERS that this is SHADOW GOVERNMENT staged event. Fabricated synthetic terror. At rare times such incidents are REAL violence, as in the case of 9/11. But most often its merely staged theatrics to scare the public and raise social tension for a political manipulation agenda. As in the cases of Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, San Bernardino, Orlando Pulse, etc etc. The chief way the government manipulates the public is thru fear. IN THIS CASE, the IOWA fakery, the purpose is to stir support for the Hillary gun grab agenda. And also make it look like "crazy white men with guns" are a real and ever increasing threat in our society. This was a covert-operatives STAGED event, run thru John Podesta and Valerie Jarrett, with consent of the DHS and DOJ. It was staged because Hillary is fast losing support and her campaign is in panic mode to stop the abandonment.

IN SUCH STAGED PSYOP FABRICATED EVENTS...corrupt sections of these mentioned government agencies get local officials and police directors to cooperate (thru bribery and or political intimidation threats). THE IOWA story IS NOT real. It did not happen. Its Hollywood style staged theatrics. Remember whenever you hear the code word COWARDS or COWARDLY, it is government staged terrorism done for advancing a political agenda. Because in such fabricated news stories the word coward/cowardly is used to mean the *opposite* of its dictionary definition. COWARDLY MEANS THE *OPPOSITE* OF BRAZEN, it means weak and diffident, shy... SO when it is used in a news story AS IF it means BOLD AND BRAZEN, that's code usage. In 2001 GW Bush described the 9/11 attacks as cowardly. It was such a ludicrous usage of the word BILL MAHR COMMENTED ON IT, but him calling out the weirdness of that usage, got him fired from ABC. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXjJZnZIvZY -- COWARDLY MEANS THE OPPOSITE OF BRAZEN, sooo- when it is used in a news story AS IF it means BRAZEN, that's code usage. The inversion of usage makes it obvious as a code word to other NWO insiders, this is a government a staged event.

And BTW, just as an editor's note of information, NO PLANES hit the WTC or the Pentagon on 9/11. That was also psyop deception. A missile hit the Pentagon, fired from a vessel offshore. And what people THOUGHT were planes flying into the WTC towers were actually projected HOLOGRAMS with sound. The "impact" explosions were created by shaped charges INSIDE the buildings.


In point of fact, FYI, Donald Trump ON TELEVISION the day after 9/11, explained that it was physically INCONCEIVABLE planes could fly THRU the outer walls of the WTC and INTO the buildings, or that jet fuel fires could rapidly (or at all) cause the buildings to collapse.... INCONCEIVABLE DUE TO THE NATURE of THE INCREDIBLY STRONG STEEL CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDINGS.


begin at 5:12 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcKlPhFIE7w

The collapse of the WTC towers was ACTUALLY produced not by jet fuel fires inside, but thru CONTROLLED DEMOLITION CHARGES on the floors thru the buildings, AND directed energy laser weapons to pulverize the debris into dust. WITHOUT the laser weapons converting debris into dust, the debris pile for each building would have been about 10 stories high.
