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THE CONTINUING DEGRADATION of FNC (fox news channel).... Content implosion rendering the network increasingly of VERY LITTLE VALUE

By from net, Posted in News Media

This trivial rehashed and rehashed day after day-- GOSSIP-- is such a waste of time


begin at 19:30 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3x3z4Re2T8

begin at 3:15 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9tTNY1SdiI

By failing failing failing to RISE TO THE SERIOUSNESS OF THIS MOMENT IN USA HISTORY, FNC is pile-driving itself into a quicksand of irrelevance. The brass told all talent they cannot talk about 2000 MULES (evil censorship). The talent also fails to talk about the WHO pandemic treaty, 5G dangers, Agenda 2030, the Fed Reserve, The Rothschild NWO Cartel, Smart Cities dangers, Digital Passports, Digital only money, Social Credit score... and news like this -- https://www.newstarget.com/2022-09-04-fda-approves-omicron-booster-no-human-tests.html -- And instead FNC just rehashes the same shredded wheat goofy gossip every day. WTF? Save for Tucker and a few other decent moments, most of the FNC broadcast day is now just literally A WASTE OF YOUR TIME, a waste of your mind's attention.... W--T--F?


FNC has devolved out of being a "news" channel, into being a "gossip" channel.

There on the signpost up ahead-- look! Pictures of Ben and JLO'a wedding, You're entering THE TRIVIA ZONE.

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The main problem with FNC is at the top... the ownership and top management... Who quite obviously ONLY have valuation for power and money. They quite conspicuously have no moral compass, no moral backbone, no moral conscience, no human empathy, for victimized individuals, or for a victimized nation which has made them filthy rich. Which is why they are willing to sacrifice the nation's future instead of put a spotlight on- 2000 MULES.




