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By from DTRI EDITORIAL, Posted in Politics / National


LOL..here we go so fasten the seatbelt. A blast of critical commentary:

Thinking of putting your young, differently backgrounded son-in-law in the new office with you, because you like him and trust him...would not be a big deal if you were staffing up for a new season of reality TV. Only problem is, Donald Trump is not staffing for a TV show, he's hiring for the USA federal government. And the idea of bringing a quite young silver spoon coddled Jared to DJT's side at the WH, despite Jared Kushner's total lack of governmental sophistication, looks from outside like possible DJT insecurity, or very questionable nepotism, or both. Not a high scoring move on the pre-inaugural tote board. One actually almost wonders if the idea is not really a cover for Donald's desire to have his daughter (Jared's wife) in Washington. Or a request from the Zionists to have a Zionist in the oval office. Do you know, Donald has candidly stated previously that his daughter Ivanka is his closet advisor. Daughter Ivanka is a fashion entrepreneur and former model (age 35) with absolutely no government experience whatsoever. What seems to be rolling out here is not exactly Mister Smith goes to Washington, but more like a winner on LET'S MAKE A DEAL taking his whole family along on that vacation he won. But hey this flip first impression could be wrong and we would love for it to be proven wrong. High hopes travel with Mr. Turmp. And we are being critical to safeguard those hopes. A fawning press is the last thing Trump needs from "friendlies". He needs sincere criticism as well as support, and politically astute suggestions. This commentary is snarky because we felt like adding humor at the time of writing. A few laughs to make it all easier to hear.

BACK TO THE RUMORS NOW....Nor is the floated idea to make Nikki Haley Secretary of State a high scoring move at face value. Haley has absolutely no foreign affairs experience or indicated body of foreign affairs knowledge or expertise. Rudy Giuliani has clearly passed his sell-by date as a political operative. And General Flynn is a two-faced snake oil salesman shilling for big weapons vendors. And as for Peter King as possible homeland security advisor, that would be like making SNL's Tommy The Liar a contestant on 'Truth or Consequences'. On any given day of the week in Washington, its a tossup as to who is more full of baloney in the things they say, Peter King, or Barack Obama.

Is this all not obvious by now to Mr. Trump and Mr. Pence?

What we hope to prod (and have you likewise in emails prod)- Mr Trump & Mr Pence about is this.... DJT's not doing reality TV anymore. (And pretty much he still WAS, during his rally-zealous campaign). Its time now to govern. And its very unlikely a bunch of well spoken but non-expert types around DJT would be great for the country.

Mr.Trump, there's no rush. Plenty of time to do this right. Please slow down and give a lot of thought and homework to these key role considerations.


Oh and by the way folks, just for the record, we never thought it was a good idea for John Kennedy to bring Bobby to the White House either. Plus we can mention, Bobby's arrogant roughshod "I'm the president's brother" antics - definitely didn't win JFK any new friends.


Family with you at the White House? Hmmmmmmmm, questionable idea at best. Very questionable.

RELATED OTHER - http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Clapper-Resigns/2016/11/17/id/759396/





