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DTRI EDITORIAL - Where things stand *NOW* for the Trump campaign

By from net, Posted in Politics / National

Who that looks at America clearly, and looks at Hillary Clinton clearly would not want Trump to snare the election from her? At the same time, clear vision and open ears gives us to see and know the Donald Trump at hand is a candidate who "needs work". Curiously one of his biggest appeals to many voters, is also a salient weakness as he moves toward election day. That is a quotient of qualities in him. He's not as intellectual as he is passionate. Resultingly he's tepidly researching issues, and has surrounded himself with a so far inconsistent quality in his coterie of "advisors". His WIN of the debate Wednesday was because he's a brawler and he's on the right side of most issues. But his failure to deliver a knockout moment was because he ran mostly ran from the hip, and did not do really really serious homework for debate prep. And that was obvious. In fact though, he should have been research-preparing for this third debate, since June. Where DJT significantly failed to deliver a knockout was on the economy. He should have had MORE rapid fire facts that were compelling, all spun off the tip of his tongue in 60 seconds.... NOT ENOUGH HOMEWORK


At the same time, for all her cosmetic effort, Hillary totally failed in the debate. Failed to give any new, better answers than her cookie cutter fluff which we have had all too many tastes of. She threw a lot of sugar to her cheering section, but she voiced nothing logical or new which would likely move the needle for undecideds.


Trump's best strategy from here on out is to do not only very strategic swing state rallies and mini town halls. BUT ALSO to be relentless in doing TV and radio interviews. Be warm and real as well as factual in them. AND, to do some more reading. His homework level is obviously - cursory.

In the mini town halls he needs more outreach to women, Latinos, reluctant Republicans, Millenials, and disgruntled Dems. But the key to such pitches is...new words, and logic. Get their attention freshly, and make COMPELLING sense.

Homework Mr. Trump! Your efforts to now are very appreciated but its the finish that counts. Be better armed. Better prepared for each presentation. MORE KNOWLEDGE. More grasp. More facts. Get off of microwaving snack food - and give us a real meal.

Remember dear fellow citizen, the aim is to save a nation, not justify a campaign.

CAN THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN STILL WIN? Certainly, Reagan in '80 had negative mainstream polls at this point too, and roared to finish line victory. THE ATTEMPT BY MSM to say its over, is an attempt at voter suppression. Nothing more. WE BELIEVE TRUMP WILL WIN if Donald says alert, ignores MSM, and stays focused. ACROSS THE NATION TRUMP SUPPORT IS... ENORMOUS.

