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Brussels terror hints Trump candidacy is probably just A MASSIVE PSYOP

By from various sources, Posted in Conspiracies / Conspiracy Theories

A False Flag terror event staged at Brussels RIGHT ON THE HEELS of the Zio-AIPAC rally, hints that Mossad and CIA are trying to link up AIPAC and Trump together for a Trump walk to Victory ....ON THE PLATFORM of a fake narrative about "Islamic Terror". The Brussels event was staged false flag terror run by Mossad and the CIA. An operation Gladio style drama. It came just hours after the PSYOP rally of AIPAC at which Trump betrayed truthers and bolstered the false narrative about TEL AVIV as the good guys and USA's greta ally, and bolstered again the fake story of 9/11 being "Islamic Terror". Further, it was only last week Mossad and the CIA staged the fake ARREST OF PARIS PERP and the false flag Terror event in Turkey ..IN ADVANCE of he AIPAC rally. To set teh tone. The "script" is just coalescing too neatly to be anything BUT-- Operation Gladio style scripting. And Trump's kissing the ass of Israel and AIPAC at the big rally seems also too neatly falling into a jigzaw picture. Is the Trump candidacy just one big Mossad and CIA psyop? Today strong bets would go in that direction.


IMPORTANT VIDEO -- Era Of Shattered Illusions
