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Smells like JERSEY CITY - NJ ... may be the scene of a FALSE FLAG soon

By from confidential sources, Posted in Conspiracies / Conspiracy Theories

THIS IS NEWS ALERT NUMBER TWO in less than a week --about STRANGE GOINGS ON IN JERSEY CITY --NJ.........Is JERSEY CITY New Jersey being SET UP by the FEDS as a "staging site" for a false flag "sensational incident" hoax to be enacted in the near days or weeks? BIZARRE activity is going on all over the city. FOOT PATROLS BY police, lingering and loitering in unusual areas. (There is almost no foot patrolling normally in the city, almost all policing work in JC is by car movement). There have recently been CRISIS EVACUATION drills in excessive amounts and repetitive frequencies at local schools. This all "SMELLS" like the set up for a false flag hoax. If you live in or near JERSEY CITY NJ--be alert, and spread the word around. If it gets back to the police director or the mayor that the MEDIA is watching, IF THERE IS in truth a false flag planned there, they may call it off. The NWO staging psy-op teams do not like to be scrutinized/investigated.

JERSEY CITY was the setting for what MAY HAVE BEEN a staged psy op some months ago, when "OFFICER SANTIAGO" was supposedly murdered by a gang member. THE EXTREME AND EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF MEDIA attention and spectacle given to the story suggests it was possibly/probably an NWO staged "gun gab" psy op. Plus the Mayor of the city, (closet gay) Steven Fulop is absolutely an NWO political prostitute. A former Goldman Sachs guy installed by them - just to watch over their Waterfront building development projects. FULOP will assuredly do any dirty deed the NWO requests of him. They city is totally corrupt politically in every possible way. If you're not on the take in JC... you're not an insider. FULOP used to make over $600 grand a year at Goldman. Now he is Mayor in a blue collar town salaried at less than $200K. Yeah right. DO YOU BELIEVE he's not on the take take - under the table? And Installed there for some NWO - GOLDMAN SACHS kind of reasons? He also only shows up for work at city hall, one day a week. Getting a sense of JERSEY CITY politics? This is a city where police and fire unions are so strong their salaries take up 75% of the budget, and all other city needs have to compete for the remaining 25% of funds. Jersey City is like a movie script about corruption. These are the kind of cities the NWO likes to stage psy op hoaxes in, because they can easily BUY and or blackmail their way... into leverage for complicity... in such locales.