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WOW - bloggers discover "Virginia TV shooting" soooo HOAX FAKED that--

By from net, Posted in Conspiracies / Conspiracy Theories



**** -- Videos Of the 'Virginia Reporter Shooting' Hoax Were Each Done in Separate Takes! **** -- Meaning multiple versions of the fake event were staged and recorded at separate times. And meaning the event was STAGED BY THE GOV"T as part of its propaganda "war on the 2nd amendment" - Plus it means also, the MAINSTREAM NEWS MEDIA (AP, CNN, etc.) was part of the conspiracy deception, knowingly presenting you a fake event, as if real.


Famed actor Steve Seagal sides with truther community and boldly states - the rash of sensationalized shooting events and supposed Jihadist terror events are --FAKED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT


THIS IS A FEDERAL CRIME but don't hold your breath waiting for the FBI to make a case on it; the ENTIRE US JUSTICE DEPARTMENT is corrupt and being run by Michael Chertoff on behalf of the NWO.

RELATED -- http://www.daretoreadit.com/id/45147/why-is-fed-govt-staging-fake-shooter-news-stories


