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Business Economics

What's this, a BANKING CRISIS coming into port? Looks like it...

By from net, Posted in Business Economics

LUCID EXPLANATION -- What's unfolding now - the banking crisis



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SIDEBAR "overview" discussion... Alex Jones and Gen'l Flynn
SIDEBAR "overview" discussion... Alex Jones and Gen'l Flynn

Important, hear this ---


DTRI editor's note of correct on one of Flynn comments -- HE DECLARES the head of the spear is Communist China's CCP. Folks, the CCP is a front mask for the NWO, which is the Rothschild-Rockefeller-Gates cartel. The CCP is not a stand alone entity. It is a front entity for the NWO, it is a puppet regime, NOT a self-possessed entity.

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*BREAKING* ---- SWIFT Payments Network to Cut Access to Crypto Exchanges

By from net, Posted in Business Economics

assemble this url

https://brighteon.soci al/@TwistedEagle/109733961669773547

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Serious wake up call VIDEO CLIPS from Peter Schiff and Jim Rickards

By from net, Posted in Business Economics

SCHIFF - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQukFQfD0Pg

RICHARDS -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFFyHBRaW0Q

A WARNING FROM JIM RICKARDS -- "Russia Will CRASH Precious Metals Next Month And Early Buyers Will Make Millions"

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It's true USA oil companies are raping the public right now -- so as to score enormous profits

By from net, Posted in Business Economics

This moves slowly but is good info, so be patient


This is a somewhat funny video because it is so glaringly propaganda, apolgism for the government and the oil companies. It has numerous lies within which you should easily discern, but at the same time it has some useful info. Worth watching.

NEWS: -- Financial markets tanking

By from net, Posted in Business Economics

Markets sold off around the world on mounting signs the global economy is weakening just as central banks raise the pressure even more with additional hikes to interest rates. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at its lowest point of the year Friday.

The S&P 500 fell 1.72%, close to its 2022 low, to end at 3,693.23. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, which had been in bear market territory for much of the day, shed 1.62%, or 447 points, for a 29,590.14 close. Nasdaq lost 1.80% and ended at 10,867.93.

Energy prices also closed sharply lower as traders worried about a possible recession. Treasury yields, which affect rates on mortgages and other kinds of loans, held at multiyear highs.

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