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Is trust in the free market system shot after Robinhood cut off GameStop trading? RT's Boom Bust digs into a Wall Street scandal

By from net, Posted in Business Economics

Rastigan and Dore -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Zd24sn7Els





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Robinhood CEO grants interview to CNBC... It doesn't go well...



Jen Psaki's Husband is A Citadel Portfolio Manager?
How come none of you super sleuths haven't taken and run with the fact that Jen Psaki's (WH press secretary) husband is a portfolio manager at Citadel? Seems like that would add weight to the RH insider's tweet yesterday that both Citadel and the WH called and told them to shut down trading on Gamestop. Wouldn't that be big news????



The beginning of the great fall of the stock market. They know what is coming from Biden. Today is the day we will look back on and see the start of the crash of the economy. Wall Street is no longer propping it up. they will start profit taking and selling off.