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ONE too many times for stupid choice of words - To just be accidental.. It's NWO psyopping

By from net, Posted in Conspiracies / Conspiracy Theories



Trump knew what he was doing and what it would set off. HE'S A CONTROLLED-- NWO asset ...just like Biden and Harris are.. KNOWING FULL WELL how much the left likes to pounce on things he says, if he were really trying to avoid triggering them -he would never have used such a word. And it didn't really fit with his comments about the auto industry. HE DELIBERATELY triggered the left, but it was sloppy psyopping. All of the above indicates indicates he's NWO controlled.

It's all psyopping.

*Not sending us their best.

*There will be a bloodbath

These are planted INTENTIONAL speech triggers to cause major political friction. The NWO run politics like a cock fight where they own both roosters. Because they do.