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DEM sycophants are afraid to face reality on the issue of voter ID

By from net, Posted in Politics / National


USA's Zionist Occupied Gov't is running the MIGRNAT INVASION OF USA - designed to destroy USA society and turn it into a hell heap.. And neutralize political opposition to the NWO globalist takeover.


Note how Chris Cuomo glues himself to fake talking points in the first video clip above. WHY? Well multiple reasons. But basically it centers on the matter of FAN BASE for celebrities. To give illustration of the point. let's look at music popstars.. Female pop singers in particular. Do you know of any major-level famous pop signer who does not boisterously glorify and champion the realm of queers and dykes?....WHY is that? ....Why do they do so? There is a very strong reason which has nothing to do with ideology. Most gays are childless, and thus have LOTS of disposable income. They not only enjoy music concerts and raves, THEY HAVE THE MONEY to buy the expensive tickets for shows by the big stars. A very very very key reason why female pop singers slavishly pander to the gay community is.. THEY gays are a quite important part of the revenue stream when these singers TOUR.

Okay the let's spin back to Cuomo and his ilk. They have tied their celebrity cart up to the cuckoo political left of today. And THE LEFT bears the significant characteristic of --social tribalism. If you disagree publicly with any of the issues in the leftie BUCKET of issues, you become a heretic to the tribe and get 'cancelled'. So even tho Cuomo has enough intellect to know what he's asserting on VOTER ID -is a wad of BS, he's going to hold the line and double down on lies, because his career as a celebrity depends now -on being IN that cuckoo DEM tribe of nutty views and false beliefs. He's a prisoner of his own celebrity status. And what it makes to hold his power is ... LYING.... About MANY MANY matters.

This is why there's not point in 'debating' notables of the political left. It matters not what facts or evidence, or logic you bring to the discussion. They will be deaf to it all for the reason of -their need to sustain themselves in social tribalism.