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So TEL AVIV creates and promotes HAMAS, and then wants to destroy them violently. TYPICAL NWO psyopping wickedness

By from net, Posted in Conspiracies / Conspiracy Theories


THE REAL MISSION is to destroy a lot of civilians and the civil infrastructure. HAMAS is controlled by MOSSAD secrelty (as a false flag front face). The mission is not a root-out HAMAS mission, that's a cover story. The mission is push the Palestinians into the sea. THAT's the mission essentially. Genocide via mass murder bombing.


Petraeus is a Zionist, connected covertly with Mossad. Notice what a non credible whore for the DeepState CNN is. When Petraeus was with Trump he was on CNN's bad guy side of the ledger. Now he's some sort of credible authority you should sltien to because, well the NWO has a use for him and puts him on CNN. The new interpretation of CNN should be .. CAN NEVER NOT -- BE A WHORE ..lol lol. Because that's a fact.