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Exposing the "framing" a Circle of Stooges did to malign Trump for Georgia indictment

By from net, Posted in Conspiracies / Conspiracy Theories


What's wrong with this video? Well number one- thru the video it's glaringly obvious that Scott Pelley is not doing journalism but rather propaganda trying to build a "hit piece" case against Trump. IF HE WERE doing journalism, he would have pointed out that Gabriel Sterling and Brad Raffensperger both had ties to Dominion Voting Systems. And that Brad had recently purchased and installed new machines -from Dominion.


As an additional comment we must say.. Trump team should also have done enough homework to know this.

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AND BTW -- Here's how the (Mossad-run) Wikipedia talks about 2000 MULES


When the truthful facts are...

2000 Mules is an exacting documentary which proves beyond a doubt -that nonprofit organizations associated with the Democratic Party- paid "mules" to illegally collect and deposit ballots (and falsified ballots) into drop boxes in the swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin ...during the 2020 presidential election.

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THIS is the oblique DEM strategy to stomp on Trump

