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The 'POST TUCKER DAYS' at FNC... New lineup unlikely to regain viewer enthusiasm

By from net, Posted in News Media


Sarcastic Laura is VERY UNLIKELY to be welcomed at the American dinner table at 7pm. Suzanne Scott, the FNC CEO continues to show her absence of smarts.

Also, the GUTFLED success at 11pm was due to drawing audience who wanted a break from somber and serious at 11pm. Pushing GUTFELD down to 10p, to battle with the key primetime-entertainment shows of legacy networks, will weaken Gutfeld. And putting hard news back up at 11pm on FNC is not likely to hold and thrill the timeslot's fans of the now relocated Gutfeld. The thinking behind the new lineup is literally cockamamie at best, and is rank incompetence devoid of all common sense -at worst.