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Pathologist Proves COVID Shot Causes Blood Clots in Groundbreaking Microscope Video

By from net, Posted in Health / Fitness / Wellness


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10" clot removed from LIVE person who was vaxxed. Anyone ever seen this before vax rolled out??




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Big Victory for Humanity: Florida Supreme Court Authorizes Criminal Investigation of Big Pharma COVID Shots:


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The dumbed down American populace, in the main, seems insensibly inattentive to the BIZARRE wave of illogical, 'before their time', sudden deaths. Which are quite obviously blood contamination and heart problems CAUSED by-- the 'covid jab in the arm'. Why do they not seem to discern something very weird is happening, and voice up a -- HEY WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON? --Yeah like we said, because the majority of Americans are plain ole dumb & dense today. They can't even discern when a federal election has been fair or is tainted. Or when it's too soon to take a (not a real vaxx and not yet FDA approved) shot in the arm -[which was created in the lab about five minutes ago]. Or when it's time to unplug your wallet from a foreign war where we have no direct national interest. Or when it's time to have a real conversation about Zio-NWO tyranny. Or when their fake POTUS is horribly demented. Or when it's time to demand that schools stop talking about things sexual- to minors. Or when it's time for Miley Cyrus to release some new music.