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SPECIAL REPORT -- Here's what the NWO have slyly used with amazing success--- to STUPIFY most of the public

By from net, Posted in News Media

WHAT ALMOST NOBODY IS THINKING ABOUT --and what an horrific fact it is...

The truly wicked corruption of the dynamic between JOURNALISM and the USA public, has a lot to do with the success of NWO's evil strategy in creating SOCIAL MEDIA. A major aim for this phenom was to tribalize people into cliques mentally and emotionally. And thru that-- promote GROUPTHINK to replace individual CRITICAL THINKING and individual initiative to "do one's own homework"... in looking into domestic and international ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE.


Within this evil strategy were two essential components that have been working flawlessly for the NWO....... ONE -- Get social media exempt from accountability for libel. And TWO - "the signup process".

Understand something clearly, the SIGN UP process, is editorializing. It's a defacto violation of the special "exemption" social media garnered.... HOW IS THAT? By way of a very important fact. When you sign up for Twitter or Facebook etc, they ask you if you would like to get regular "push feeds" from certain sources. Now let's take the matter of so called "news" and "commentary" sources. When they ask if you would like certain channels to be "in your feed".. to be pushing content to you regularly.. Do they list every channel available in the USA? Nooooo of course not. It would be way too many to list. So they list a large handful. WELLLL, do you grasp that-- that itself, is taking an editorial position. It is saying THESE are 'valued', 'preferred", 'approved"-- selected options. It is basically tacitly saying THESE ARE CREDIBLE TRUSTED news sources, BY OUR OPINION.... Oops, thatttttt is editorializing. It's taking an editorial position. To avoid doing such, they would have to suggest NO news sources, and say that if you want news feeds you have to type in which onces. The mere act of suggesting, is advocating for the sources suggested.

As concerns news sources, this SUGGESTING is a gross violation of the "platform neutrality" exemption, and has dire ramifications (has had and still has) for the relationship between the public ---and journalism it can access. This suggesting of sources is subtle propagandizing. It's saying to you that NYT or WAPO is somehow more credible than OAN or GLP or RENSE or SONSOFLIBERTYMEDIA or THE FIRST or RED VOICE MEDIA or BFIN or ZEROHEDGE or NATURALNEWS -etc. It's editorializing. And it's editorializing that has dire consequences. Because due to the ADDICTION most of the public has been lured into in relating with social media (for many ppl facebook or twitter is the first site they look at daily) -- The consent to have CERTAIN news sources fed to them (and only those sources) begins an ongoing daily brainwashing of the user, by way of limited, pre-selected of TYPE of content on their radar daily.

Back when the only major SELECTION of electronic content you could do was the TV remote clicker, people actually saw more different things. Because they would roam the dial out of curiosity.... When you preselect only certain so-called NEWS sources, you have just put blinders on. From here on in you are NEVER gonna hear a word of any sources that differ. You've been sucked into a particular specific quicksand of GROUPTHINK. And thus you have created a divide and conquer hysteria.

And note - Just as it's horribly bad that some Americans look only at MSNBC and CNN, it's equally limiting and dangerous for conservatives to never jump into and hear the madness being pumped out at MSNBC, ABC etc. Because they'll be naive about that realm's bizarre vitriol.

Things are getting worse and worse by the day in the PROPAGANDIST NEWS WAR DIVIDE. And so much of that worsening is enabled by the BLINDERS people take on when signing up for social media accounts. Imagine you're a sports fan, and you are told YOU'LL ONLY SEE THE SCORES of 2 or 3 teams, won't see the scores of any other teams in the league, or the scores of any teams in a diff league. That's what's happening on the 'news' landscape. That's how some people can be so easily sustained in brainwashing.... THEY NEVER HEAR that Biden's policies from day one are wrecking our nation's economy; they only hear the false claim- it's 'Putin'. How they can fail to realize crime is out of control and surging, and that the border crossings are out of control and surging, Because their SELECTED 'news' sources in social media are not reporting these facts. Just like the selected sources do not happen to mention that AOC has done nothing of note for her district. Hence she gets re-elected with 70% of vote. GROUPTHINK.... Hey, she's my girl, AOC. Luv her..... Really? Why? What's she done for you to make life better?

I personally was shocked a few years ago when asking a fellow of age 31, in a high ticket profession.. Say by the way, where do you get your news from? What are your preferred sources or source for daily news?... He said.. TWITTER..... I was like WHAT? You consider TWITTER your reliable source for NEWS? That's like asking herd of bumble bees for that score of today's METS game. TWITerEFFINerrrr? Goood Grieffff! How brain-dead is that!. That's baaaad. Very verrry bad. But it's all over. It's multi generational in impact too. It divides and EVERY DAY hardens the divide.... Socially, mentally, politically. It's very very very very BAD.

What needs to happen is a serious lawsuit about this. Federal lawsuit. Saying either all social media pull all news feeds which came from this preselect process, stop the preselect process, and only feed news sources requested by type-in. Or "democracy" so-called is done and will not be revived.... Yeah it's that dire. That very very serious. This is how and why.... many in the nation could go and vote blue ---despite being raped by inflation and violent crime. Because they aren't hearing about the crime (or the border crisis), and on ---inflation, they are only told the false claim-- 'Putin'.

This is where we are. MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS... insaaaaanity.