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** BREAKING ** - - - Fmr. HHS advisor confirms -- COVID JAB IS POISON, it's a bioweapon

By from net, Posted in Health / Fitness / Wellness




MORE BREAKING NEWS -- covid vaxx toxic to recipients










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Nearly 10 million Americans have been KILLED by the JAB so far. It's being covered up by MSM.

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The covid JAB is not a real "vaccine" it's a bioweapon. A slow acting poison. AND it has with it the quality of SHEDDING that poison to others in proximity. So if you spend considerable time in close proximity to JABBED ppl, you will have the same poison enter your body due to them SHEDDING it to you thru breath and ongoing perspiration thru skin pores. Let alone if you are physically intimate... You will get it thru saliva (kissing).

Covid was not only a FAKE "pandemic" of psyop lies (it ain't no 'pandemic' if the recovery rate for those under 65, receiving no medicine of any kind, is 99.98%). All the media rhetoric about "PANDEMIC PANDEMIC OH GOSH COVID COVID"...was to scare ppl into taking the needle JAB in the arm. The JAB is a slow acting depopulation weapon. Society has been divided into two. Those naive enough to have voluntarily taken a slow-suicide injection. And those smart enough to want to stay alive.

Young school children all over the world are now becoming infected by the poison because of daily close proximity to TEACHERS who were MANDATED by their employers --to take the heinous jab in the arm.

This is no small or trivial topic. It's a life and death concern. Ppl are DYING left and right due to effects of the jab. 10 million in USA so far. Of course you won't hear that from MSM (brand name 'news' media and/or brand name social media). They are totally controlled (and censored) media.

That's right. THE FACT IS, 'normal life' as you knew it, has been destroyed. You can no longer live as you did, carefree... Because if you live the way you used to live, you endanger your survival. If you are intelligent and mentally sober, you sadly realize, you must acknowledge and accept the reality that WW3 is being waged upon humanity with various forms of assault. And a key major form of assault is the INFECT HUMANS WITH THE JAB project. If you are smart and have done your own independent homework, you realize that the JAB is a slow acting poison which acts by damaging one's immune system. The result of such degradation of the immune system is that, the jabbed person is gonna die a premature death. Could happen in 3 months or 3 years. But way before their time. THIS IS THE DYNAMICS of the jab project aspect of WW3... Which is war being waged by the NWO upon all of humanity. Two major goals: Major depopulation so there is smaller number of humans left -easier to control. And --transhumanism. hook everyone up to the cloud 24/7 to control them efficiently

If one resists acknowledging all this is so, one is simply in denial about the harsh reality. EVERYONE JABBED around you is now a different being than you. And if you are wise you shun close contact with them as much as possible. THEY HAVE BEEN POISONED, and close contact with them can poison you.

Will acknowledging that have a DRASTIC affect on your lifestyle, habits and behaviors, and decisions? Of course it will. But we are in a WAR..... THEY are trying to wipe out 6 billion ppl... Wanna be one of them-- or wanna survive?

This is horrible information, horrible truth. And only the mentally strong and wise will survive.... We're just telling it to you like it is.

And yes the MASKS have poison particles in them too. And so do the PCR kits and Antigen kits. THEY are out to kill you if they can. It's that creepy. Nothing in the world all around us is "normal" anymore. But that is the truth. The factual truth. Deal with it or be in denial. That is your choice. We're just giving you the raw 411.