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WAKE UP USA -- All this extensive post-QEEEN media coverage is a scam. Here's why:

By from net, Posted in News Media

First off she was politically irrelevant, completely irrelevant her whole life. She was a ceremonial ornament, not a monarch of governance. Secondly she was an illuminati tool, and ran cover for a heinous (global) pedophile sex trafficking ring to service perverted tastes among "high society". She was garbage. THAT BEING TRUE, this overblown, overdone, going on too long, false glorification of her is what they call in psychology an ADVANCE APPLIED DEFENSE MECHANISM. It's to drown out media voices who talk about the pedo ring. AND it's also to blur the news stream out of talking about REAL AND SERIOUS ISSUES leading up to the midterms. ALLLLLL media (all stripes of it) that is on board with this retro praising and tongue-bathing of the queen, is controlled media full of buhllsheet. They are showing their covert corruption by playing fiddle for this sham scam dance -praising the dumb meaningless ceremonial "queen".

begin at: 8:51 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYkCDovDd-8

What nonsense!

= = = =

Oh and BTW...
