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THE CABLE NEWS --- "Content Value Collapse" -- It just keeps on going. Why don't they WAKE UP?

By from net, Posted in News Media

We have to rant off ONCE AGAIN about how awful CABLE NEWS has become in terms of viewing value to the public. And this is not just for one leaning of cable news. It's for all stripes. Because all stripes from left thru right leaning -have fallen into a pit of quicksand that's gobbling them up. And this attrition of value stems form two things: Mental laziness -and a bad assumption. The assumption that most of their audience is as mentally lazy as they are. And as poorly informed about what's really going on in the world.

These two factors have led ALL CABLE NEWS NETWORKS to become mired in a feckless habit of MAKING THEIR WHOLE BROADCAST DAY mostly nothing but endless chatty gossip about the day's MSM headlines. But listen, the day's MSM headlines are not set by good thoughtful journalists. They are set by goons at wire services. Police blotter readers. Fire engine chasers. The lowest of the low on the 'sophistication and insight' totem pole. Idiots. Obedient soldiers for the deepstate propaganda and talking points --handed to them each day. Mindless parrots.

NETWORKS failure to think outside the wire service box, and be more creative and discerning as journos -has relegated cable news channels to idle chat about trivial propagandized subjects.

Take the current moment in time for example. Is ANY cable news network digging into and talking about the WHO pandemic treaty? The dangers of 5G radiation? The dangers of smart cities? The dangers of digital-only money? The dangers of health passports? Nooooooooo. they just wanna talk about Trump. Which is basically an 8 year old's sophistication level. Cable news networks are a boring miasma or bubblegum gossip. And are failing their publics miserably -due to mental lassitude.

They need to be more like FRONTLINE and less like the backyard clothesline.