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OPEN MEMO to all those at FNC (Fox News Channel) -- Pls look up meaning of the word IMPORTANCE

By from net, Posted in News Media

The channel is on a steadily downhill slide- in the direction of irrelevance ...Due it its obvious (but who knows why) AVERSION to talking about weighty subjects that really count. Instead of such, its daily fare on almost all shows, almost all hours of the day, is now gossipy trivial unimportant nonsense, like this:


Is this segment IMPORTANT?? No. It's as soft in topic caliber as a cod fish cake.

Wake up ppl. Devolving the channel's content to nothing more than gossipy-- "He said she said, then they said -about what he and she said"... Is a road to great loss of viewer interest. WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH PEOPLE at FNC (up and down the totem pole)? We know it's summer -But did they send their critical thinking and their brains on vacation?

= = = =

What could be MORE important to talk about?

Stuff like this...


Notice, btw, in the BIDEN BRAGGING video clip, BIDEN is sitting on stage at a CFR event. And who is the CFR? It's a front for the Rothschild-NWO Illuminati.. and their ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT (plus depopulation by poison-vaxxing) AGENDA. That's who the CFR is.

Like, aren't THESE ~more important things~ to think about and discuss?... Than the rehashed trivia they ran on THE FIVE today? Biden hates MAGA, blah blah blah. So what? What's new about that? He's just giving dog meat to his hypnotized base. It's NOT significant. UNLESSSSSsss- you focus upon the fact that with such rhetoric the NWO is unfolding a rhetorical vibe-rationale.. to further persecute all conservatives. And / or you note that calling all conservatives nut-cases is an "advance applied defense mechanism" to blunt charges of DEMS stealing the 2022 election. Which the DEMS certainly plan to do. In the same way as they stole 2020. Because nothing's been done prevent it,

And this...


And this...


And this...

