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Oh boy, now he's done it. GUTFELD voices 'hate speech' against the INSECTS AS FOOD industry

By from net, Posted in Humor


Although we must admit, we thought INSECTS were only supposed to be food for Ant-eaters and Venus Fly Trap plants, plus Liz Cheney, and Adam Schiff

Be careful Greg, if Merrick 'Jed Clampett' Garland hears that you're not thrilled about living in a third world country, he might withhold hospitality from you when you come knocking for Halloween candy.


Hmm, maybe you'll just have to do a NO KNOCK raid to get the candy. But don't bring Kamala the 'Air-Waitress' with you. Her cackle will tip off that you're arriving.


And don't go as a cowboy this year, twirling spurs make noise.

= = = =

SIDEBAR... Gossip on the distinctly UNFUNNY, distinctly UNCHARMING, and distinctly BORING--

--James Cordon Blurr
