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TNX and a tip of the Hatlo Hat to 'Jiminy Himmler' show - Good collage guys!

By from net, Posted in Humor

begin at 4:20 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H2q_FlPwRA

= = = =

Laura Ingraham (Monday)

begin at :45 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ospRiyJ44m8

Sean Duffy

begin at :44 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKlnXSn64-Y

= = = =

And now for the RACHEL MADDOW SATIRICAL COMEDY SHOW. A real doozie of a show this time out. DeepState mouthpiece (and proud lesbiano) Rachel, interviews DeepState mouthpiece and proud homo guy Brandon (Did you say BRANDON? lol) Brandon Van Crackhead

An hilarious LGBT-Quack propaganda joke-fest



[BTW, in all these gay pride assertions, EXACTLY what is it -they are so proud of?]

= = = =

All joking aside, it's pretty clear- the NWO DeepState is DESSSPERATELY OBSESSED WITH A PSYCHOTIC DEISRE TO INDICT TRUMP... with summmthing, ANYYYTHING.

Do listen to Rachal's video tho, it's informative. But note how much he is NOT an unbiased interviewee. HE WAS PART OF THE FREAKING MUELLER TEAM!