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NBC has been considering a rename of it's Sunday show to -- MEET THE FAKE NEWS PYSOPS, but nobody at NBC has figured out how to spell FAKE

By from net, Posted in Humor

NBC - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ba2zD3-r3H8

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Exactly HOW INSANE have lefties become. What do they actually THINK here, that DJT is selling nuke secrets to the Island of Togo? There's nothing but absurd fantasy in their thoughts.


LOL LOL, do they really THINK that, or are they just 'funning' everyone, playing a prank?

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We agree with one point though. WHY has DJT not gotten rid of these papers MONTHS AGO? What's the point of keeping them? OR has he outsmarted everyone, and did he put in all 11 boxes of documents, nothing but pictures of Stormy Daniels- peeing on a bed in Moscow. With a Stephen Colbert wearing a dress, watching? (Ew, what a thought. Maybe we shudda skipped that joke)...

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So far all that we can tell about CNN policies under the new CNN boss is that.. CNN likes to put fat woman anchors and fat woman guests on their air. (And of course that includes closeted transgender Brian Stelter)




And guess what, CNN was considering a network change of name to... GAY-N-N. But they decided why bother... Most clear thinking ppl already see them as GAY-N-N. Especially since Fredo left.

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Oh and before we close out this satirical posting, just for added fun, here is fruity STEPHEN COLBERT making the illuminati DEVILS HORNS GESTURE

