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THE TELL SIGN is the world "search" - It reveals THE SUSAN RICE REGIME knows it blundered badly.

By from net, Posted in News Media

All left-leaning 'news' media have dropped using the world RAID, and moved to the word SEARCH (massive amounts of emails must have gone out across the land requesting the leftie-media slaves obey). This may have come from an MSNBC host as a trend instigation, or she may have just been so vocal about CHANGE THE WORD that she's thought to be the starter. But let's dig into the switch as a tell sign. It tells you the DC-left is reeling from the outpouring of criticism from all sectors. And think how laughable the switch is. 30 machine-gun wielding FBI thugs descended on the Trump Florida home, and you wanna call that ...a SEARCH... not a raid? lol lol lol... Hey a search is what you do for a sock that's missing it's pair team-mate after a trip to the laundry. The RAID was an effing RAAAAID. And likely a witch hunt. And likely a mission to plant false evidence and plant listening devices. And btw...WE MUST ALSO COMMENT the raid shows us the Secret Service is an abominable and trashy agency. Any secret service agent worth their salt would NOT ACCEPT the FBI's demand that during the raid. secret service agents go away and not look over their shoulder. WHAT? That's insane. The secret service agents should have told the FBI monsters ---No Way Jose. If we can't monitor your actions, you don't enter. Buh bye and have a nice day.... The fact they failed to do the right thing shows -they aren't worth a farthing. Even with inflation.

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PS --- Does this article...


...explain WHY the FNC brass have (quite immorally) forbidden air talent from mentioning ... 2000 MULES ... ? It's truly an immoral censorship and the crux of that sin rests not on whether anyone likes or does not like Trump. It's about the 2020 election being rigged and stolen..... Which it absolutely... WAZZZZZ.

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PPS -- Lachan has never spent a day in his life as a working journalist. And on his own has managed to make a spate of disastrous (major money losing) investment and management decisions. He's not an indigenous American, and thus does not have an indigenous American's view of American politics and journalism. And apparently, despite his history of bad decision-making, apparently was put in charge of Fox Corp by his dad simply to "keep it in the family". Fox Corp, operationally headquartered in NYC, is actually registered as a corporation in DELAWARE. presumably to *avoid taxes*. More likely that than to be close to Biden family backyard cookouts.

All this is not to say we're a big fan of DJT. We're not and we do not support the idea of him running in 2024. We agree with Elon Musk that he should fade away from politics, after giving us the covid psyop, crazed lockdowns, and a poison jab. Plus failing to build the wall. WHAT IS IT THAT MAKES PPL still zealous for Trump? Myopia we think (and lack of deep dive homework).... But anyway, the importance of 2000 MULES is about election stealing

Oh and just a few more words.. SKY NEWS AUSTRALIA does a better, bolder job of covering American Politics than does FNC in the USA. They are more outspoken and more critical. FNC is sort of spicy tapioca pudding with a lotta gossip as it's driving content. SKY NEWS actually dissects and outs the absurdity of what's going on in the USA and boldly mocks the idea that anyone could believe Biden is the functioning POTUS. ... Yet FNC all day and nite talks about "President Biden" (as if). What is the thinking there, that this doddering old fool is really the functioning POTUS? ...So disappointing on the levels of intellect and courage - for FNC to talk on air that way day and night. But hey, it's not up to us to correct that problem. They need widespread viewer feedback. It's up to other viewers to give them disapproving feedback- about their vastly naive content.