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READ OUR LIPS -- Joe Gump (Pink Panther) Biden -- DID NOTTTTT just have COVID

By from net, Posted in Psysops / Hoaxes / False Flags

Only an effing dense IDIOT would believe that he did. Because the WH just gave an enormous TELL sign that he did not. Did you get it? How good are your Sherlock Homes instincts and percpetivities? DID YOU GET THE TELL?

In case not, we'll help you along from the cave of impercpetion to the daylight of recognition.


HOW MANY DAYS did they say it was before he "tested" negative? --- 5, did you hear that 5, let's repeat it.. 5... f i v e... .. it was... five!

And did they say he HAD covid? No they said he 'tested POSITIVE' for covid. Which means absolutely nothing since the PCR is a fake test geared to produce massive amounts of FALSE positives. And then 5 days subsequent did they say he was OVER covid? No they said he 'TESTED negative'. Which also means nothing... AGAIN because the test is not a test for covid. Ot's a test for "general" antibodies. Did you know that? its says so right on the CDC website (how deep is your reading penchant?... if you're a typical America it's as shallow as watching Lester Holt)... But back to our central point,

WHAT WAS THE FREAKING huge enormous tell sign that HE NEVER HAD COVID in recent cays?

It was the number 5.

Because what is the number five... Do you know? have you been paying attention to news lately. WHAT IS FIVE?

It's the exact number of days the corrupt CDC nowww recommends as isolation for someone who 'tested positive". [Hey remember in the spring of 2020 when the isolation period was 26 days? What happened? LOL, is 5 now the instant coffee version of the covid psyop bucket of lies?]

Do you get the prank here?

How could it possibly be that Pink Panther Biden Clone conveniently was in and out of covid-- in the exact number of the days the CDC recos for 'isolation'? Doesn't that strike you as a very unlikely convenience for press release rhetoric? Well if you're dense probably not. But if you are perceptive you're laughing now. Because the joke is on the American sheeple. And it has been for two and a half years. EVERYTHING [and we mean *everything" you're 'officially' told about covid- is a ridiculous goofy LIE. And only the very IMPERCEPTIVE have not yet, figured that out.

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And if you are a female (very famous) TV anchor who falls for every single lie of the covid psyop, we mean YOU. And you know who you are. We could not have been more disappointed with you as you prattled on about Biden and Covid --Wednesday. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? Wake the freak up woman get into the groove of reality. USE YOUR MIND. Don't sleep walk thru your day.

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https://www.infowars.com/posts/video-rand-paul-congratulates-biden-for-achieving-real-immunity-against-covid/ LOL, good sarcasm