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WW3 -- The PSYOP battlefront -- Endless stream FAKE MASS SHOOTINGS, way too many folks think they are real

By from net, Posted in Psysops / Hoaxes / False Flags

Everything about this 'story' right down to the tearjerker predictable, posed, huggy photos ...WREAKS of suggesting it is fake news; another conjob "simulation" psyop event. There's a good reason why we don't cover these histrionic absurd dramas. THEY ARE FEMA DISATSER DRILLS deceptively presented to you as if real .. All "mass shootings" hyped in TV news, are simply NWO-staged fakery, for the purpose of anti-second amendment propaganda.


Only the extremely extremely NAIVE and GULLIBLE among us --believe these things to be real.

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hmmm... Wow, note this news item from 2018.. smells like PREDICTIVE PROGAMMING PYSOP. Do you know what predictive programming psyop means? Look it up


If it were a REAL news happening, the school would have been henceforth targeted for serious protection.

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Clueless Cornyn -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvFxflTNQes


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USA Today Removes 23 Articles After Investigation Found Reporter Fabricated Sources



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The war on free speech


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Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, says the Democrats have nearly "run out of rope" in their gun-reform negotiations with Senate Republicans, due to time constraints and policy disagreements.


Cornyn's comments come on the heels of Republicans and Democrats being embroiled in contentious talks at the Senate level, with the most prominent hangups apparently involving (illegal and unconstitutional) "red flag" gun laws.