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ANOTHERRRR 562,000 fake 'mass shootings' just in the past week? LOL, WTF?! Sooo many such psyops staged in short space of time, at this point...

By from net, Posted in Psysops / Hoaxes / False Flags




.... Only a really mentally impaired non-intuitive, undiscerning MORON does not yet realize, THESE ARE STAGED PROPAGANDA FAKE EVENTS to emotionalize the nation against second amendment. THESE ARE NOT REAL EVENTS--- it's all psyop staged event "fakery". Nobody's being killed. These alleged things are not happening. It's theatre. Evil deception. Do you freaking GET IT YETTT?


There were no 13 new 'mass shootings' over the weekend. There was no such thing. That's ridiculous. Wake up ppl. Use your mind. Turn on your BS detector.

SWITZERLAND has freedom to own guns, but basically no mass shootings. WHY IS THAT? Simple. because mass shootings is not a common psychological reality. USA also- does not have an endless rash of mass shootings. The mass shootings in USA... are faked psyops (ie - not real). Duh!... Do you get it... yet?


HEAR THIS CLEALRY -- gun grabbers do not just want to grab semi automatic. They want to overturn the 2nd amendment and create and unarmed, defenseless society. HERE'S SOLID PROOF; do play and hear this clip now:




And did you notice that while the NWO was pushing pushing pushing UKR propaganda, no big hype (fake) 'mass shootings'. But now that Moscow has won in Donbas, NWO goes to another narrative-- the gun grab push. DO YOU FREAKING GET IT YET? If not, splash some cold water on your face because you are in a hypnotic mental daze induced by an overdose of hyperbolic NWO fearporn.


POLLING on credibility


It's mind boggling that so many Americans do not pause to ask the most fundamental question in this 'mass shootings' controversy. Which is, how could 'stories' which on the face of them are ridiculously IMPLAUSIBLE as something that's happening in the real world... be true? Maybe these things are staged psyops for political propaganda? How come this obvious question just seems to elude the minds of millions of Americans. It's like pranking. Certain kinds of pranks are so ridiculous that pretty quickly you go.. Hey wait a minute, this can't really be! Why does that BS detector not kick in here when it should? Very strange that people BELIEVE stories which are so patently NOT BELIEVABLE. The fact is we don't have a "mass shootings" problem. It's fiction. Can't you see that from the absurdity of the 'stories'. And the absurdity of WHEN in news cycles they "occur"?


The NW are rally desperate to do this gun stuff. Disarm the public. Very very very desperate on this issue. Because they keep failing year after year. Just like their evil war in Syria failed failed failed year after year. And their proxy war in UKR has failed. They are reeling from failures. Just like the Scotus leak has failed to move the needle on public hatred of DEMS right now. So they are going all in on the gun grab fanaticism. Staging so many psyops in a heated rush leaves only someone with the discernment of a 10 year old to believe this nonsense at face value (any longer). Here's the thing though, quite horrifyingly, a large portion of our nation's adults and young adults, have been so [DUMBED DOWN] brainwashed into mental absurdity by the NWO's MSM, they think and emote at the level of a 10 year old... (actually a mentally stunted 10 year old). Watch this insanity and be totally shocked:


This truly left us in a state of shock..... THIS --is the future of America?

Well... probably not because they are probably all [obediently] "jabbed" ....



Reminder -- the 'trans' population of USA is estimated at 3/10th of a single percentage point. So all the media hubub about TRANS is much ado, about a very very very few. Are you grasping the insanity of this frenzy? Has anyone done numbers on percentage of Americans with peanut allergy? Or gluten problem?

6% of the U.S. population is gluten-sensitive

1.4% of U.S. population has peanut allergy.


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You know, we're gonna have to modify Ben Franklin's axiom that COMMON SENSE IS NOT SO COMMONG. Today... common sense is a rapidly vanishing commodity, threatened with extinction.


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President Joe Biden's address to the nation this past week where he called on Congress to pass a wide slate of gun control laws was "fake ... phony, and it was political," because he did not address many of the real issues facing the nation, Rep. Jeff Van Drew said on Newsmax Saturday.

"Over the Memorial Day weekend, there were 150 murders around the country in big cities, and we don't talk about that, because it's the Democrat laws that let people in and out of jail like it's a turnstile," the New Jersey Republican said on Newsmax's "Saturday Agenda." "Let's get law and order back in place. Let's get a real bail system that works."
