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Oh come on, this is so absurd. SMELLS PRETTY DAMN FAKE TO US. Don't you get the drift? And notice the political timing

By from net, Posted in Psysops / Hoaxes / False Flags

All tv-hyped such events are fake. AND NOTICE they only happen when tis good for the NWO's political initiatives FOR SUCH to transact. Otherwise, they don't happen. Don't you smell this all, YETT.. as fakery?


The NWO obviously think America is populated by a mass of dumbed down mentally lazy, non-thinking, acutely naive and gullible sheeple. Sadly, to an all too considerable extent, the NWO over time have made this notion a truism.

For example, where's the pushback against 8 dollar gasoline? Have people organized to protest? Nottt yetttt.... Maybe they're waiting for 15 dollar gas.... WTF?

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Update 6/2

DC's frenzy of bills to attack gun rights -- a survey


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... By printing psyop scripted details which are too ridiculous to be believed by any common sense sane person. Read this utter nonsense below. This is not reality. This is NWO goons taking you for a complete moron. How could anyone believe this actually happened as described? Oh and yeah he conveniently was terminated so no trial. LOL. This is just more Sandy Hookerish fake news psyop absurdity.

CNN: -- "Tulsa Shooter Targeted Surgeon He Blamed for Pain ----- Four people - two doctors, a receptionist and a patient - were killed in Tulsa after a gunman opened fire inside a medical building Wednesday, authorities said.
One of the doctors killed had performed surgery on the gunman on May 19, according to police. The shooter - who had called for additional treatment and saw the doctor on May 31 - was found dead inside the hospital complex. The assault-style weapon found on the scene was purchased the day of the shooting, officials said."

All that's missing from this stupid stupid stupid stupid psyop scripting is the claim that the (fictitious) "shooter" left a note at the scene to Chuck Schumer saying -- "Please take America's guns away so people don't go wrong like I did. Please. You've got to overturn the second amendment. It's time. Please do it and don't listen to constitutionalists. Please Chuck. I'm counting on you! All the best... 'SHOOTER'"