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You're a 'news-idiot' if you believe this absurd fake news "Texas School" story. It's simply another ridiculous FAKE STAGED anti-gun PSYOP from NWO

By from net, Posted in Psysops / Hoaxes / False Flags

The moment you read the headline you know this is more nonsensical fakery. UNLESS you are an undiscerning, naive, gullible sheeple.



For ANYONE who has worked in a school system they know there are many things very wrong with the 'story'. Including ....that they supposedly moved the children from the classrooms ....outside...and to 'safety'? Hahahahaha! So absurd. You purportedly have an active shooter on the premises and you are moving kids from the safety of their locked classrooms to outside? An unsecured location! That's a top of the list "NO-NO. in education department protocols" Also, leaving the dead bodies lying around is another telltale sign that this is another'fake-out' upon you... Naive-America.

begin at 6:35 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2G5WdtLQT64

(sigh) What can wake such a public up? ...What sheeple the oh so naive Americans (recurrently) be.


Update (5/27 1250ET): "In a very emotional and defensive press conference this morning, Texas DPS Director Steven McCraw said the decision of officers to wait to enter the building was the wrong one".....



THIS IS JUST MORE COMPLETE BULLSHEEET. Typical OF THESE PSYOPS.... THEY ROLL OUT VARIOUS SUB-STORIES FOR SEVERAL DAYS TO KEEP THE NATION DECEPTIVELY EMOTIONALIZED FOR MANY DAYS, OVER A FAKED [simulated] 'EVENT'. How could anyone with a normal, rational mind NOT SEE THRU THIS NONSENSE? The NOW have just got to be kicking back sipping bourbon and laughing hysterically that ppl are so gullible they drink this kool aid and buy it as 'real'. Ppl need to be educated about PSYOPS. We are bombarded with them from numerous directions, relentlessly, and constantly... WW3, which is ongoing, is mostly being waged upon the human populace thru psyops. COVID hysteria, JAB coaxing, fake mass shootings, the absurd idea Russia's entry into UKR was "unprovoked", the nutty claim that life-threatening inflation and shortages -are due only to Putin and Covid. It's all psyopping using mass media as the weaponizing instrument. WAKE THE FREAK UP PPL !!



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BUT EQUALLY AS SHOCKING as the broad public naivete, is that all MSM media puts up these bizarrely UNREAL psyops as if they are ACTUAL news (They are not. They are not REAL events. They are what's called HYPER REALISTIC DISASTER DRILLS -run by FEMA. And when the NWO wants some shocker news narrative they just tell the drill-managers to present the drill to news media as A REAL EVENT NOW UNFOLDING. Don't you get it? Can't you smell it? Can't you tell? Haven't you figured this out after allll these years of allll these psyops?). It's horrifying how many grossly GROSSLY naive (inappropriately unsuspicious) ppl work in MSM. And OWN/RUN the MSM outlets. Absolutely horrifying how lacking in cynical insight they are. Like we're talking ppl who still believe 9/11/01 was "19 hijackers [in planes]"... THAT NAIVELY CHILDLIKE!

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The NWO monsters are laughing their toes off, listening to hundreds of people in MSM discuss and debate "what happened", when in fact NOTHING happened but a staged fakery psyop with crisis actors. And yeah, juvenile crisis actors too. Everyone gets paid big bucks. Don't be naive. The year Sandy Hook psyop was done, the fake Sandy Hook parents were paid by the deepstate $900,000 dollars each.


LOL this is all so conspicuously fake. If you have a decent BS detector.

And btw have you noticed how ALMOST THE SAME the Texas script is compared to the Sandy Hook fake story? Hmmm? Right down to the aspect of HE ALSO SHOT A RELATIVE. Wake up ppl it's all propaganda fakery.

Hey, here's just one simple proof that the TEXAS EVENT was staged fakery, an orchestrated NWO psyop. Check it out... At the very same evening's taping of CBS LATE SHOW (a 'front' program for NWO talking points propaganda)... They conveniently had the top political leader from NEW ZEALAND on as a guest THAT VERY NITE, to tell you-- USA should further restrict private ownership of various guns, LIKE THEY DID DOWNUNDER. [Of course in the USA that's against 2nd amendment freedom].

You can't easily make up the salient lunacy of these fake coincidences. They are so weirdly obvious as tell signs, it's clear that NWO consider you to be an intellectually feckless dupe --if you believe their hyperbolically absurd 'events', obtusely ridiculous storylines, and laughably fake coincidences.

From NEW ZEALAND? Just happened to be in town? LOL LOL LOL.





Here, please, watch this expose video now. "THE STAGED FAKERY OF ALL HYPED NEWS DRAMAS -- EXPOSED". Please view this video now. And watch it ALL THE WAY THRU.


MORE EXPOSE INFO -- begin this video at 3:50 -- https://www.bitchute.com/video/1WCrj8XmwqN0/

FILTHY NWO CROOK MITCH AIMS TO LEAD THE NATION BADLY ASTRAY... AGAIN. Some days ago the wasted-spending 40-bil money laundering scam. Now this wicked initiative.


Remember David Icke's expose axiom -- PROBLEM REACTION SOLUTION (and what it means)...

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It's NWO orchestrated psyopping to generate anger at conservatives... And is a desperation move, because the SOCTUS leak has not moved the needle in polling. Repeat, national polling finds essentially no movement off public animosity toward the Dems over inflation. So the DeepState is trying to pull another political rabbit out of a hat. Doing a fresh version of the (also fake) Sandy Hook drama. Did it get to you? Is your mind malleable and naive enough to be fooled by this obviously FAKE nonsense?

Here's the meme the NWO are pushing thru MSM and all the MSM sheeple are stupidly being an echo chamber for it. BECUASE, they like their fat paychecks. Don't wanna think, question, upset the rotten apple cart. They prefer walking snooze --to keep the money incoming for their lifestyle, house and hot car.


How blind can one be? OVERTURNING 2nd amendment is a major DEM goal on behalf of the advancing NWO tyranny totalitarianism. Uh, gee, isn't that MOTIVE to keep staging these fake shootings? DUH!? All done With the help of the very very criminal FEMA, DHS, and Army Intel ...cadres. And drill [fake] events are done utilizing crisis actors and DISASTER DRILL STAGING CONTRACTORS ...such as strategic-opeations.com.

(Did you know btw, FEMA scripted the whole Boston Marathon Psyop? The documents are 'out there' to be found and seen. And did you know ADAM LANZA never existed. He was a photoshop composite image. And did you know a state police car dashcam recorded 4 hours of footage from the parking lot outside Sandy Hook School 'the day of' and on the video NO KIDS AND TEACHERS EVACUATING THE SCHOOL are seen at any point (ie- photos of such were staged, pre-photographed for the psyop). And did you know Sandy Hook School was not in use at the time? Closed due to severe water and storm damage and scheduled for demolition.... Did you know any of these things?

And did you know phone video recordings of the NYC SUBWAY (recent incident) clearly show PSYOP operatives putting down blood packs at the positions of various crisis actors?

Are you really so naive that after all these years of ridiculous EVENT PYOSPS you don't see thru all this yet? It hasn't even occurred to you these might be [fake event] disaster drills --PRESENTED to the media as if real events (for political propaganda purposes)? You haven't been the slightest bit suspicious? Really?


Typical Zio-NWO propaganda photo to accompany these types of psyops. It's always the same. They use hyperbole to play on emotions. And cover the reality that the story never makes any rational sense at all. And the details don't add up.

It's sadly laughable so many ppl buy into this nonsense and BELIEVE the ridiculous narratives and follow-up propaganda. It's like the whole public gets the exact same practical joke played on them over and over and over and over. And still doesn't get it. Still doesn't see the obviousness of the hoax's implausibility.


We'll be blunt at this point in time. IF YOU ACTUALY BELIEVE psycho mass shooters are plentiful in our society and are out there across the land ... constantly looking for a situations of innocents to slaughter... If you actually believe these absurd storylines, you are so naive you'd better have someone hold your hand when crossing the street.... Bluntly speaking, your naivete level is pathetic. And superstitiously neurotic.

You probably also took "the vaccine" because you were told to. And you believe Ivermectin is ineffective horse paste....

Are we right?

In 2016 HRC coined the phrase- deplorables. Hey, you know what REAL problem we have in shocking abundance across the USA right now? IMPRESSIONABLES. Just so willing to believe authority agencies and authority figures mean well and are not corrupt and are not lying to you. Pinocchio level naivete.

Is everybody lying to you and are statists mostly all fake? Is the system THATTT corrupted, infiltrated, subverted by the NWO devils? Duh, yeaaah. YESSSSS! Stats are fake, agencies are corrupt. Authority figures are controlled NWO assets. Yeah. YESSSSSSSS, it's really THAT bad. And the wicked bundle of lies has been advancing and swelling for MANY YEARS.

[First it was Columbine. Then it was Parkland. Now, we are told that at Robb Elementary School, police officers again stood around outside a school while the supposed killer was inside with children. SLOPPY PSYOP-SCRIPTING]... It's all anti-gun PROPAGANDA nwo-psyops.

And, listen, to be scared of saying that the key globalists [the NWO] are Zios, is like being scared to say the Mafia are Italians. Its just a fact. Stating it does not represent xenophobia toward any nationality or creed-cluster of people IN THE MAIN.