Daretoreadit.com - Raw Truth News

In case you're new to REAL WORLD NEWS MEDIA... just a quick mention here

By from net, Posted in Psysops / Hoaxes / False Flags

"BUFFALO MASS SHOOTING" is clearly obviously conspicuously saliently laughably FAKE FAKE FAKE HOAX FAAAKE NEWS. It's not a real event. It didn't happen. It's a PSYOP, a staged fake event for propaganda purposes. IT DID NOT HAPPEN. The 'event' was staged like a movie scene by the REAL rulers of our 'country' The NWO. No such Buffalo 'mass shooting' really happened. It's a propaganda con job. A hoax. Just like the NYC subway shooting story was. And Sandy Hook was. And on and on and on.



JIM FETZER analysis -- begin video at 1:01:00


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WHAT MORE PROOF do you need that Buffalo was staged psyop FAKE NEWS -- than this propagandizing nonsense?


