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FORENSIC ANALYST SAYS -- So called NYC SUBWAY SHOOTING is faked event, staged psyop...

By from net, Posted in Psysops / Hoaxes / False Flags

Not a real event

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Anyone that could take this narrative seriously as NOT A PSYOP is a big IQ challenged, eh?


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LOL scroll down and look at the WADDLE video... This is such a stupid and OBVIOUS psyop. Apparently constructed for the credulity of naive non-thinkers only. Geesh... CREDIT CARD left at the scene? ---REALLY? ....And a years worth of ranting videos online that no censors took down as hate speech?.... Come on ppl.... How absolutely absurd /ridiculous can this all be!?

Grasp this: ---NYPD has cooperated with the deep state to stage fake psyop dramas for YEARRRS already. 21+ years now.

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full forensic proof -- Brooklyn subway shooting a complete hoax


full forensic proof -- Brooklyn subway shooting a complete hoax

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Reportedly perp left the gun and a credit card at the scene, reportedly none of the CCTV cameras at the station were working, supposedly the guy who spotted the suspect and called cops, used the crimestoppers tipline phone number not 911 (hmm, was it tattooed on his wrist?), the suspect was calmly arrested while dining at an east village Mickey D's...

PLUS -- Reportedly... Frank James Stopped in Mooney PA The Day Before (the fake) Drama. Oh, Mooney is Where Military Do STAGED ATTACK simulation practice. Just Sayin'. While there, he reportedly also shot a youtube video that has been scrubbed from the Internet along with his other videos.

Does this all make perfect sense to you?

The 'story' is so ludicrous and implausible, these 'news' reports sound like an SNL satire sketch


