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What more proof do you need than this.... China locks down 71 million-- but travel in and out is still allowed by China -AND by the USA

By from net, Posted in Psysops / Hoaxes / False Flags

What more proof do you need than this- that the official COVID narrative worldwide, is an NWO hoax..... China locks down 71 million-- but travel in and out is still allowed by China -AND by the USA.. Whatttt???

Oops! The NWO Illuminati forgot to think about this GLARING contradiction to the official story that COVID is some rampantly contagious THING in the air. Oops oops oops, eh? If there is actually a COVID that's highly contagious in the air, wouldn't USA government have [many days ago] curtailed all flites in and out of China? Oops! They forgot this glitch in the psyop.


CHINA CURRENTLY HAS 71 MILLION UNDERR LOCKDOWN for no logical reason at all. Except to reboot the covid psyop ---on orders of their NWO masters.

COVID is not and never has been a highly contagious THING in the air. It's delivered by injection only. Flu shots, PCR sticks and COVID jabs. That's the delivery system. There's NO COVID IN THE AIR. We've been telling you this for nearly 2 years already. COVID is not a contagious THING in the air. It's an injected [lab-created] toxin.

Waking up yet?


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[And of course all the TEST kits which supposedly TEST for Covid, are FAKE tests. You should know that already. It was exposed many many months ago. It even says in the CDC's website fine print, that covid TESTS may return positive on any number of things, including antibodies connected to the common cold. Look for yourself. It's there.]

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