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LATEST PSYOP -- Oh Amerika, are you lucky ducks, or deceived schmucks?

By from net, Posted in Psysops / Hoaxes / False Flags

"New coronavirus cases are falling in parts of the United States, according to a Reuters analysis of public health data, offering an early indication the virus might once again be on retreat. COVID cases have decreased in 15 states plus Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico, an analysis of the past week through Wednesday compared with the prior week showed. Infections Down 36% in the Northeast"

Realllly? And just exactly HOWWW did that happen.. all of a sudden, out of the blue? hmmmm.

A stroke of magic? Did Mandrake the Magician come along and wave his wand and say -- BE GONE WITH THEE, TROUBLING COVID! MOVE ALONG! GET THEE AWAY!


Is that what happened? Pure magic?
Uhh no....

It's another bullshit psyop story.Just as the 'covid cases on the rise" are bullshit lies, fake stories. this oh gosh Covid is magically declining, is also a bullshit like fake story. because the whole covid story is a nonstop bucket of psyop lies pusled thru wicked NWO-run MSM.

So then, that having been said, what is going on?

Well there are probably TWO things at work. One a backdrop of global adjustment.


And TWO, something special just for the USA. ......... 5G onset.

Nationwide REAL 5G was flipped on two days ago Jan 19th

RFB (Richie from Boston0 believes this signals the next stage of the satanically evil covid war on humanity.

he believes the powers that be now WANT YOU out and about soaking up these wicked and harmful 5G radiations. because doing so will expose millions to 5G radiation sickness. Which, guess what?-- has the same symptoms of the mythical covid virus. But the symptoms are real and radiation illness is real.

RFB believes, they want to create a mass new ave of (ACTUAL) illness across USA, blame it on covid, do nationwide lockdown and forced jabbing.

Both he and we hope this horror show does NOT actually occur as feared.