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More More MORE proof.... "COVID" is a complete [psyop]-hoax. There is no covid pandemic. There is no "covid virus". They renamed the flu

By from net, Posted in Psysops / Hoaxes / False Flags

In October of 2017 just a few months after running a similar simulation called MARS 2017, The [NWO-controlled] John Hopkins Center ran yet ANOTHER 'simulation exercise' (sponsored by the evil Bill Gates Foundation + Rockefeller Foundation) to 'game out' what would happen if there was a global 'viral pandemic' ficticiously called SPARS (St. Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and how the nation/world would handle it.

The scenario depicted a coronavirus from Southeast Asia that would propagate throughout the world ...and via 'Emergency Use Authorization' (EUA), the U.S. would come up with a quick, untested 'vaccine', and what opposition they would need to handle in getting it out to Americans.

This is the exact playbook that has been unfolding before our eyes for 2 years. In other words. SPARS is the 'script" for the fake pandemic and covid+jab psyop.

The report is 89 pages long. It described how they would use social media and the news media to quell any naysayers against the (poisonous) vaccine and so on. Also, mandatory masks, shutting down businesses, schools, the whole works of what we've been living thru.


Mentally stunning, but actual fact.

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