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CNN, turning more gay by the day, paints a phony fairy tale portrait of the disgraced (and just "passed) John McCain

By from net, Posted in News Media

The now deceased John McCain, sadly does not deserve praise at time of passing. Whatever he was as a young men (and we can't say we know for sure what he was then)... in his latter years he became a sinful wretch, hiding his wretchedness behind a phony smile and an image built on propaganda. A man who stayed too long at the fair (way too long)- having spent 30 years in the Senate.


McCain ended his life with IN FACT a disgracefully ignominious latter-years resume. You see his membership on the satanically corrupt SENATE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE corrupted him completely and turned him into perhaps the most ruthless and treasonous traitor to ever walk the Senate halls. Being literally an agent and advocate for the Rothschild/Military Industrial Security Complex War Machine and post 9/11 Domestic Police State... McCain was used by the NWO to parlay his good guy image into a cover for some of the worst and most treasonous things ever done by our government. Example? He was a major participant in the project to create, fund, arm, train and deploy ISIS as a false flag front cover proxy army for the USA, and send them into Syria to destroy a sovereign nation, which in no way threatened the USA not one iota.


There are many examples of McCain's psychopathic work for the NWO and treason thereby upon the USA. He was so monstrous in fact, at his passing ordinarily we would have said very little, just to not make much conversation about him at all. Most intelligent people know what a criminal he was. What a traitor.


But we were spurred to make some remarks though because of accidentally seeing CNN coverage of the "McCAIN PASSES" story. Coming back from a social event late in the evening, we went to a 24 hour restaurant we know and like- for a bite to eat on the way homeward. Fatefully CNN was on the big screen at the side of the dining room. They were treating the world to absolutely nauseating and repetitive FAKE news coverage of Mr. McCain. Spinning a fairy tale about what a great statesman, altruistic good guy, and patriotic great American he was. Oh really? If he was so fantastic how come the electorate rejected this tenured scion of the Senate in 2008 and instead voted into the WH a fast talking (rather unknown) CIA puppet named Barack. A fluke?

And don't we seem to recall that back then in 2008, when McCain was a prez candidate, CNN portraying him as a laughable old fool, decades passed his prime, completely out of touch with reality, infected with policy notions for the stone age, vapid, phony, and an off-putting cracker redneck, holding creepy rightwing whacko attitudes? Wasn't that pretty much how they implied his unworthiness to you at that time?


But hey, its a new day, as CLINTON NEWS NETWORK CNN is recurrently wont to say. And since John McCain passed away while CNN is helping its puppeteers at the DeepState run a psyop war against Trump, McCain is momentarily useful-- since he and Trump were not buddies. CNN, upon McCain's passing, in as vulgar a manner as could be, decided to roll out the red carpet of fake news propagandizing and pump McCain up to look like the STA-PUFF balloon boy in Ghostbusters (ie larger than life). Why? To attack Trump by making Trump's verbal slights of McCain many months back, seem sinful, as CNN paints a fairy tale picture of "great statesman and patriot" McCain. Somehow cynically we think if McCain had been a Trump supporter, the COMMUNIST NEWS NETWORK CNN would have rendered a eulogy of about 30 seconds. Yeah, we really do hold CNN in that much disregard.


Let's remember McCain was (technically) a Republican. WHEN was the last time CNN (or a leftie like Kathy Griffin) extolled the virtues of a Republican? It may have been as far back as 1864. So there's nothing more phony and insincere than this all night orgy of McCain clips CNN rolled upon us in the wee hours of Sunday morning.

And BTW, ironically anchoring this all nite coverage of a goofy old white guy Republican, were two gay blades sitting close next to each other from a CNN desk in London. It was comical to look at because they could not have been more obviously gay (Syril and George) if they'd had pics of Liz Taylor projected behind them. So in the overnite hours CNN not only offended the senses with this FAKE NEWS view of the sinfully corrupt John McCain. They also seemed to imply that they may be transforming their trashed out channel with rapidly fleeing viewership, into the first ALL GAY news channel. Hey it may be better for them. As it stands now many of their daily broadcast hours receive less viewers NATIONWIDE than the population of Sacramento CA.