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SOROS + PODESTA transported posed KKK guys and posed BLM / ANTIFA "protestors" TOGETHER ON THE SAME BUSES for staged 'violence' at Charlottesville

By from net, Posted in Conspiracies / Conspiracy Theories

Was Charlottesville Completely Staged? Watch This:


Analyzing Charlottesville's Zapruder Film:


Editor's note - BOTH of the above video clips are incisive analyses.... BUT WE MUST MENTION some points of info neither vlogger (seemingly) knew because they were not mentioned by either.


1) The area where the supposed "car attack" took place, was a 'closed, location, theatrical set' closed to general traffic by police all day, both before and after the "incident"...Elsewhere in the town, POLICE WERE ORDERED TO "STAND DOWN" and allow protestors to clash.

2) The 'car attack' was pre filmed and post production enhanced with CGI effects making it look like ppl were tossed aside and up in the air. THAT video was fed both as live steam and as news clips supposedly DOCUMENTING a live event. Then in real time, the motions of the cars involved in the scene were replicated but NOBODY WAS HIT and nobody was killed. THERE WAS NO HEATHER HEYER, she was a fictional identity created by the CIA. No person was hurt or killed. The CAR ATTACK was a fake staged hoax psyop.

3) In the pre-filmed version of the attack scene a stunt driver was used, thus enabling the car to reverse drive up the hill in a straight line at quick speed. NO EVERYDAY PERSON COULD DO THAT.



Was Charlottesville Rioting Completely Staged? ABSOLUTELY YESSS! -- Eyewitness reveals PAID PROTESTORS agitated falsely, with T-shirts denoting both sides, but each SIDE was sent in by the same organizers...

Next item is... CHARLES PATRICK REPORT - contains interview with a lady eyewitness to Charlottesville "mayhem".... WITNESS DESCRIBES THE SOROS BUSES WHICH BROUGHT ~both~ Right wing and Left wing protestors

WITNESS TALKS: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ3jyrGB3VE

MOST ESPECIALLY listen to the video clip just above ... the lady eyewitness here just above... its gonna open your ears pretty shockingly...

She also indicates the STREET where the supposed car attack took place was cordoned off by POLICE, it was a closed area...

THE LADY did not see the "crash" scene up close....so she did not realize it was a staged psyop....she thought the "crash" was real....

But she also notes that DURING THE week leading up to the SAT of mayhem, the supposed "driver" of the car was lunching multiple times with other crisis actors [AT THE RESTAURANT the witness frequented]... he lunched cordially with other crisis actors AT THE RESTAURANT -- during the week -- the same who played roles on BOTH SIDES of staged the riots at the end of the week, SATURDAY...

This WITNESS also mentions- the crisis actress playing the HEATHER HEYER role was not a leftie, in fact at lunch during the week leading up, she mentioned she wanted the statues- to STAY UP.

WITNESS TALKS: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ3jyrGB3VE

*** Last and worst in the witness' narrative just above ... she mentions that when the street violence broke out---

THE POLICE WOULD NOT LET INNOCENT CIVILIANS leave the riot area... THEY FORCED THE INNOCENT BYSTANDERS to stay in the area of mayhem and get hurt. REPEAT-- THEY FORCED innocent people to stay in the midst of violence and get hurt.


MORE --- Conservative Activist AVAILAE HORTON, who was also on scene... tells more... of what the MSM media kept from you... about Charlottesville...

AVAILAE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Af5ZIBBzI-g


Now then, now that you have heard the REAL story of Charlottesville, and how MSM media inverted the facts in its reportage, listen to this clip and see how CNN is just a biased, propaganda channel, not a real news organization. The host constantly tries to browbeat the panelists into AGREEING WITH HER-- instead of listening to them and accepting their opinions. That's not journalism. Its propagandizing.

AS WAS EXPOSED IN ONE OF THE VIDEOS ABOVE, the clip with ppl chanting "will not replace us" is of a Soros controlled group put out on the scene to vilify conservatives. ITS A PSYOP GROUP not a "real" group.





RELATED OTHER --- Stillll don't believe all the "domestic terrorism" events are STAGED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to terrorize you and make you agree to be spied on, to lose a vast range civil rights, to agree to be treated like cattle (all in the name of "anti terrorism") ... Stilllll don't believe you have a tyranny government STAGING TERRORISM against you for political purposes? STILLLL don't believe it? The CIA plus Israelis Mossad STAGED the 9/11 attacks and YES people really died there. On almost all OTHER "terror events" nobody dies, they are staged like Hollywood movies. STILLL find this hard to believe? Well we will walk you down the lane of SHOCKING EVIDENCE one more time. See if you can open your mind to - ACCEPT horrible truth. YOUR GOVERNMENT is a criminal government, a massive enterprise of wicked organized crime. It stages these fake news dramas. And blames them on this group or that group. This individual or that individual. BUT THESE ARE LIES, the terrorism is government staged. Such events are called PYSOPS.

Take a look at this vide beginning at 20:30

Famed Investigator MAX MALONE exposes that the so called BOSTON BOMBING was a fake event, just a staged scene like a movie, amputee crisis actors, fake blood. Smoke bombs not real bombs. EVERYTHING FAKE. Watch and be shocked.

Take a look at this video beginning at 20:30 inward



Begin next at 4:30 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLlWV6UFF1U

RELATED OTHER -- OKC 95? Real terror? It was 100% a FALSE FLAG gov't run event.


INTERVIEW WITH TIM McVEIGH shows such an incredibly breezy attitude on the part of McVeigh, its clear he's just a government controlled crisis actor who was not put to death, just given a new identity and relocated.

WERE THE VICTIMS REAL VICTIMS OR ALSO JUST CRISIS ACTORS? Well there is heated debate about that...




Staged FALSE NEWS DRAMAS run by the government to manipulate the emotions of the public, extend beyond "terrorism" into other areas too... Like the SANDY HOOK HOAX a psyop to attack support for the second amendment.

In another realm of subject territory, The very hyperbolic and ridiculous JODI ARIAS MURDER TRIAL was also psyop, and JODI just a crisis actor... The case was completely fabricated fiction for the purpose of SEEING IF THE GOVERNMENT COULD MAKE THE PUBLIC BELIEVE AS 'real' -A MORBID *FALSE* NEWS STORY --WHICH SPANNED ACROSS THE TV SCREENS day after day -FOR MONTHS ON END. They pretty much succeeded. THIS STORY IS SOOOOOO phony, so absurd, so badly scripted --and so badly acted, its amazing ANYYYYYONE, anyone at all, believed this to be a real story... But MILLIONS did believe it. That's how naively people TRUST-- what they see on TV.






