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CFR puppet Tillerson joins CFR puppet Cohn in political whoring over the staged fake psyop called "Charlottesville"

By from net, Posted in Conspiracies / Conspiracy Theories

CFR-NWO controlled "Secretary of State" Rex Tillerson on Sunday became the most recent high-ranking administration official to distance himself from President Trump - tripping off the CIA-CFR Charlottesville PSYOP and Car Attack HOAX, saying to FoxNewsSunday the president "speaks for himself (on said topic)." LOL... But let's be sober, the very FACT that Fox's Chris Wallace, a CFR controlled cuck-tool, even ASKED ABOUT THE TOPIC shows the exchange was a setup to advance the CFR Trump Presidency psyosp into even weirder waters. BTW If you can't see yet the whole presidency is an agitprop, divide and conquer psyop, you need some new eyewear



Tillerson's comment on "Fox News Sunday" follows Gary Cohn, the (ahem, LOL) "chief economic adviser" and the director of the National Economic Council, saying in a Financial Times interview published last week that the administration "can and must do better" (in commenting on NWO-CFR-CIA hoaxes / psyops?... Really?).

The Aug. 13 staged riots in Charlottesville, Virginia, began as a rally organized by cultural preservationists and turned absolutely ridiculous when the pysoppers added into the mix a pre-filmed, staged fake hoax of a "car attack" (that's right no one was killed, just more NWO fakery).

Trump, in the aftermath, correctly asserted that that "both sides" in the staged riots were to blame.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said after the Cohn interview was published that nobody "was surprised" by his comments.

(Editor's note -- Especially us! We expect NWO political prostitute comments from... NWO political prostitutes)



BUT WAIT, the absurdity of Tilleron's FoxNewsSunday gabfest gets even better....
