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Will the REAL "Heather Heyer" please stand up! --OH, lol, that's right... THERE WAS NO HEATHER, her name just a fiction in an NWO psyop hoax (same as the fake name ADAM LANZA)

By from net, Posted in Psysops / Hoaxes / False Flags

OF COURSE THERE WAS NO "HEATHER HEYER" its just a fictional identity for the scripted narrative of the "car attack" psyop hoax

(BTW they luv those ultra fat crisis actors as fake 'parents', eh, like the fake SETH RICH PARENTS.... what's the deal with that? Is the NWO psyops casting director a cake and pastry addict?--LOL)



The lousy NO REAL TEARS cheesy acting of Charlottesville CRISIS ACTORS and CNN's KATE -- listen and laugh

Don't forget... the public PAYS for being hoaxed too, by foolishly giving to those scam memorial funds for 'victims' who were just fictional identities!