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BREAKING - Scarmucci tells ABC News he thinks Bannon is going to be ejected from Trump team... soon

By from net, Posted in Politics / National

begin at 2:02 - https://youtu.be/lf81U7ypK3Y

Stunningly in this clip, Scaramucci shows his real political stripe as being a middle of the road coward who thinks being politically pragmatic is pandering to views of prevailing bourgeois ignorance. He shows that he fully fails to see the movement of populist nationalism IS THE NEW CENTER OF THE NATION, and within the scope of this uninformed poltical ignorance he denounces the genuinely conservative voter impulses which brought the POTUS to office. And he also calls Bannon (essentially) a nut case.

Also listen at 9:45 inward for more on Bannon



Editor's comment - Is this a foreshadowing that Bannon is being pushed out, or did Trump send Scaramucci out to be provocative and see how much reaction his comments get. Trump's ZioCon NWO "advisors" may want to get rid of Bannon but want to advance-assess much harm with the voting base that dangerous move might effect.

AND -- Notice once again the recurrent PROPAGANDIST move by TV newsers to press guests with HYPOTHETICALS- whcih the guests foolishly respond to instead of eschewing hypothetical meanderings. They are foolish and the newsers are propagandizing (aka politically advocating) when they press with HYPOTHETICALS.... BEGIN AT 12:45
