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BREAKING NEWS - Complete forensic explanation of HOW they STAGED the ~~fake~~ CAR ATTACK in Charlottesville VA - watch:

By from net, Posted in Psysops / Hoaxes / False Flags


Editor's comment - We also believe the staged hoax of the CAR ATTACK was pre filmed, not run live on the day of SAT, and the pre-filming allowed CGI post-production drop in of "hit victims". This is similar to the technique used to FAKE the car attack in NYC's Times Square. Only diff with Times Square was, the event was both PRE-FILMED, then faked live on a second run thru. But the news footage used was the CGI augmented pre-filmed version. Get it?--This car and truck attack nonsense is the NWO-Zios' urban version of the shock and awe psyop of ISIS beheadings overseas. Its just hyperbolic bizarre fearporn to get sheeple to knuckle under to whatever further degree of domestic spying, domestic police state, and civil rights removal ...they wish to effect. Its NWO racketeering in the most evil sense of psyop warfare.

ALSO NOTE - The car in the so called CAR ATTACK rapidly backs up in a very straight unswerving line uphill at a high speed. That is quite totally impossible for an ordinary driver to do. Only a very trained seasoned stunt driver can do this. Again proving psyop staging of the event. The patsy "arrested' as a supposed perp, is just a crisis actor playing a faux part, not a "real" person.

Psyops use the same pattern over and over, with only a few variations on theme. After a while you can smell them at a thousand miles distance. They always contain more conspicuous "tells" than a feckless poker player.




Confirmed: Police Told to Stand Down in Charlottesville-Did Nothing as Physical Conflict Broke Out


MORE INFO - Organizer of the original rally gives all details of how the fake RIOT was staged, and note: -- city police were not even there, other 'police' came and enabled the staged riot.


And of course like in all these fearporn psyops-- now the hugs, pretend dry tears, candle vigils, and the fraudulent FUND RAISING for non existent victims and their fake families. Yes the NWO so plays USA public for fools they get YOU to pay for the deception psyops they foist upon you. Pretty clever, eh?
