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BREAKING -- New Report Shows Guccifer 2.0-DNC Files Were Copied Locally-Not Hacked - WERE NOT HACKED - repeat, THEY WERE NOT HACKED .... Lamesteam media avoiding this story like the scorching hot potato THAT IT IS

By from net, Posted in Politics / National


Editor's note - The DNC leaked their own emails as a psyop TO TAKE YOUR MIND OFF THE VERY SEVERE SINS and CRIMES revealed by HILLARY's emails....

The DNC LEAKED THEIR OWN EMAILS.... Seth Rich did not steal them and leak them. That is a Mossad/CIA psyop. Seth Rich is a controlled Mossad asset. He was not murdered, he was sent elsewhere. THE MURDER WAS A HOAX, a staged fakery. THE DNC LEAKED THEIR OWN EMAILS to take the public attention off the severe crimes uncovered in Hillary's emails.