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The macabre, really sick PLAN the "powers that be" have for America & the world - DAVID ICKE video explainer

By from net, Posted in Conspiracies / Conspiracy Theories

"If you know the plan, and nothing intervenes to stop the plan, you can predict the future." --David Icke

DTRI Editor's note - The reason GEORGE OREWLL was so prophetic in write his book "1984" about the BIG BROTHER police state / spy state tyranny he forecast... the reaosn he was able to be so prophetically accurate is because HE KNEW THE DEEP STATE PLAN, the Secret Societies HIDDEN HAND long term agenda. And HOW did he know this, he had BEEN in one of the secret societies of the illuminati, the FABIAN SOCIETY. And learned it all. ANd we shall also comment this dear reader. IF YOU TILL DO NOT BELIEVE there is a shadow group of the less than one percent of powerful individual RUNNING THE WORLD, if you still do not see the effects of this HIDDEN HAND manipulating nations, economics, politics, education, media.... you are sadly, mistaken, unfortunately naive...

DAVID ICKE LECTURE -- Who is the HIDDEN HAND and how do they operate?


OTHER - a bit of humor from Mr. Icke - do hear his remarks at 8:20
