Daretoreadit.com - Raw Truth News

NWO in utter panic mode as news of USA invasion and launch of war upon Assad/SYRIA leaks out - and NWO fearporn psyops are INSTANTLY exposed in real time. Crazed & panicky NWO doubles & triples down on fearpon scams as "fake news distractions". Now, ANOTHER Euro hoax ...in- Paris

By from net, Posted in Psysops / Hoaxes / False Flags

FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS- this is NOT a real event, its another staged hoax


AND NOTE that ALLLLL "branded" media are assisting the NWO in selling this fake news fearporn as if real...Even so called indy / alt media (of high name profile). THEY ARE ALL SELLING YOU THESE LIES, that's pretty scary and disturbing. BECAUSE THEY ALLLL KNOW this stuff is fake news. THEY KNOW.