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READER FEEDBACK - Patriot urges specific course of action for public amidst 'war talk fever'

By from net, Posted in Politics / National


THIS IS HOW BAD ITS BECOME in just a few weeks time. Bowing to blackmail or threat, DJT has thrown his nation's interests, his base's interests-- overboard, stepped aside and let the warhawks grab the helm. There's no defending this. Pls don't be defending DJT--- be holding his feet to the fire of principles and sanity. There's OBVIOUSLY been a coup at the WH by the NWO/Neocons/PNAC groups (which of course also includes the necocon DEMS). The NWO has it ironically good now. If ppl rant to impeach DJT over acts of war in Syria, you get cuck Pence who will smile, roll over and dance for the Neocons. SO better to simply create public stir to shame WH off the Neocon ambitions for the moment while the populist base figures out a more long term strategy. KEY and vital right now is relentlessly and loudly EXPOSING that the supposed SYRIA GASSING was not only a false flag but a Mossad/PNAC staged hoax. NOT A REAL EVENT. This simultaneously shames Ivanka and Donald for bad judgment reaction to an unproven haox. It was SYRIA HOOK. Nobody died, no gassing. The white helmets are AL QAEDA. Expose it all loudly and relentlessly over next several days to PRECLUDE NWO from feeling hubris to do another such Syria false flag in near days. This must be our wise stagey OF THE MOMENT. Pull the rug out from under the lies about Syria. Or they will be staging another psyop fast to let McMaster push his salivating troops into Syria.

From: -- Barry in Tampa FLA


Editor's comment -- America was told if we "lost in Vietnam" the world would fall apart. Well we lost in Vietnam and it didn't. And today we breezily trade and exchange tourism with Vietnam..... After 2001 we were again decpetively told the world would will fast become a much safer, more stable, and more felicious universe if America just blithely invaded Iraq, Afghanistan + Libya--- took them over and destroyoyed their civil culture, economy and political apparatus (all in the name of democracy & freedom).... DID IT MAKE ANYTHING BETTER? No. USA just simply destroyed the nations and put the Mideast on fire with hatred. SO ISN'T IT TIME THE USA public learned to STOP its government from enagaging in this neocon warhawk madness?.... ISN'T IT yet....TIME?



Lee Stranahan commentary - HEAR THIS, important! -- WHY the NWO/Establishment is freaking and acting so hysterically... begin at 4:30 --



The coup-pirates in the WH aim to dissolve the DJT plan to give YOU a tax cut:

begin at 9:50 --
