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Voices of loyal supporters now acutely angry at Trump -- Compelling reasons why:

By from net, Posted in Politics / National

They believe his pose as a muckraker exposes as "limited hangout" phoniness because he has gathered up some of the 'fattest' mega-wealthy, power obsessed, politically insidious, social-parasite, zio muck-predators of the nation ...into his coterie... INCLUDING KNOWN KEY-CONSPIRATORS IN PLANNING THE 9/11 ATTACKS (like Glassner, Eisenberg)... They also note, if you're not ANTI ZIONIST, you're ignorant. At the same time they point out, to be anti-Zionst you have to be informed enough to know what the political movement of "ZIONISM" actually is... Zionism and NWO-globalism are (quite deceptively) one and the same movement. Its covertly a world domination and mass enslavement aspiration, aimed to be achieved thru gradual layers of political deception and manipulation. Always effected under the pretense-guise of "for the good".




All this is not to say these critics want DJT pushed out of office. That would only leave sycophantic Zionist cuck Pence to take over. No no no, these political critics want the nation, now that DJT is in office, to hold his feet to the fire and thru social-poltical pressure force him to de-Zionize --and actually become what he promised.

They also note that Conservatism and Libertarianism are useless political philosophies unless combined with a dedication to outlaw the CFR as a subversive organization, and to eliminate: -- the UN, geoengineering, political alignment with Israel's priorities, the Central banking system, debt based currency, the Federal Reserve bank, and the income-based tax code burden. No amount of conservative/libertarian thinking can archive significant social good without these de-Zionizing dedications and actions. Absent them all conservative/libertarian advocacy is fundamentally useless talk in the wind.



