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NY TIMES NEWSPAPER? - kiss this lying bitch goodbye. NYT is EXTINCT!

By from various sources, Posted in News Media

ORLANDO ORLANDO ORLANDO.... Front PAGE LIES, NYT and papers all across the Nation -


-- plus TV stations and networks Glaring LIES LIES lies. They're all spinning the effin LIES. Folks --There was NO SHOOTING IN ORLANDO, either Friday or Saturday..BOTH EVENT WERE HOAXES. The lamestream news media are lying whores for the Zio NWO. ...Orlando WAS FAKERY. Nobody was shot.

THE LEGENDARY NEW YORK TIMES was years ago hailed as grand newspaper with the nickname THE GREY LADY..is now a carcass of disgraceful ignominy.

Is America as DUMB as the Zio-NWO thinks? This month will test


See this NY DAILY NEWS MONDAY HEADLINE (This paper is a mouthpiece for the NWO)

"Nightclub shooter used an AR-15 - the same rifle used by killers in Newtown and San Bernardino, thanks to the NRA's fight to stop assault weapons ban"

Duh, is everybody THAT STUPID that they can't see ORLANDO IS A HOAX to promote war on the second amendment?-- and specifically on semi automatic weapons. ARE PEOPLE THAT DUMB they cannot connect the dots? REALLY? --ORLANDO IS ANOTHER Zio-NWO staged hoax! Got it folks?

FULLY EXPECT Obama to devise some new gun mitigating executive order. THIS IS A WAR from the NWO upon civil rights and the constitution.