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Holiday EDITORIAL- "Yes Virginny, THERE IS an NWO Shadow Thug Cabal"

By from DTRI, Posted in Humor


Dear Editor,

I am 38 years old. Some of my CNN-loving friends say there is no ZIONIST NWO SHADOW CABAL DROPPING CHEMTRAILS ON US. But my Papa says, "If you feel needless anxiety every day, the NWO is real." Please tell me the truth, is there a ZIONIST GENOCIDAL CABAL RUNNING THE WORLD'S GOVERNMENTS?

Virginny BeeLeevee

[[[[[[[[[ Editorial reply ]]]]]]]]]]]

Dear Virginny,

Your naive friends are wrong. They have been affected by the media propaganda and sheeplizing of a mentally lazy age. They do not believe except that which they are told by mainstream media. They think that nothing can be real - which is not right in their face with a day glo orange sign saying- PARK HERE.

Yes, Virginny, there is a ZIONIST NWO. It exists as certainly as soul-less, greedy, materialism and sadistic cruelty exists. Believe it! And have no doubt they abound to give your life its worst ills and sufferings. Alas! How healthy, prosperous and harmonious would be the world if there were no ZIO CABAL! It would be as felicitous as if there were no false flag terror or hyped lunacy. There would be no contrived fear then, no more piracy-banking, and no more fake news to make our existence needlessly anxious. We should have no poverty, no war, and no absurdly thieving one percent. Plus the madness with which the Zios fill the media would be extinguished. THERE WOULD BE NO MORE FAKE NEWS-EVENT-DRAMAS TAXING YOUR NERVES... Might that bore you Ginny?

Not believe in SHADOW WORLD PSYCHOS!?- You might as well not believe in central banking, or income taxes. Almost nobody sees the NWO clearly Verge, but that is no proof they are a figment. The most real thugs in the world are those that neither children nor men can see with jailbird numbers on their chest. Did you ever see the Federal Reserve print money with nothing behind it? Of course not, but it happens every day. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the ZIO MADNESS that is unseen in this world.


You can tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which the strongest men, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived can easily tear down. Its call MEDIA DECEPTION PROPAGANDA. Only alternative media and whistleblowers, can push aside that curtain and show corruption. Is it all... real? ITS SOOOO REAL GIRL !! - Ah, GinGinGin, in all this world there is nothing to compare with the persistent, selfish, cruel, thieving corruption and cruelty.....of ZIO BANKERS and NWO plotters.


Ask Lucifer why don't you! The ZIOS worship him madly (really madly, Bohemian Grove madly).



