Daretoreadit.com - Raw Truth News


By from net, Posted in Commentary

TRUMPPPP, if he got re-elected, when taking office would be just four months shy of being age 79. SEVENTY NINE!

What the freak is wrong with ppl today? They are simply NOTTTT thinking clearly. The whole population is in a mental hysteria... of one flavor or another.

TRUMPPPP, if he got re-elected, when taking office would be just four months shy of being age 79. SEVENTY NINE!

What the freak is wrong with ppl today? They are simply NOTTTT thinking clearly. The whole population is in a mental hysteria... of one flavor or another.

NEWS NEWS NEWS -- Roger Stone predicts with ardency that tranny MICHELLE O'... will be DEM nominee. This, if true, would give cover to rigging the election because it would ostensibly seem possible voters liked her and voted for her in droves


ON NEXT VIDEO -- These folks although sincere and well-intentioned are VERY VERY VERY naive and idealistic. And still want to believe the "democratic process" could work. Well number one we do not have that process in existence anymore. We live in a fascist oligarchy with rigged elections. NOT appropriately cynical to this moment in history. NOTHING has been done to preclude another rigged election. And were a bribe zealous NWO secretly controls both major political parties. Are they examining that issue? No. Do they realize that the NWO has so pervasively infiltrated every nook and cranny of DC, and has infiltrated all office holders, agencies, departments, consultants, think tanks, NGO's etc etc.. The idea some loud roaring (yet OLD) individual is going to occupy the WH and bring all these bribed and corrupted ppl and all these infiltrated and corrupted agencies to heel.. Is so naive it's breathtaking.


They are also ignoring that the NWO will keep attacking Trump even if he's in the WH. And are ignoring that he's too too too old. Anyone in the WH really trying to clean up the swamp needs 2 terms. DJT is tooo old.

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Celente on 2024 POTUS "campaigning" [CLOWN SHOW]


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Politically the USA is completely adrift right now. No seasoned, "ready on day one" leader personality on the horizon. USA is a bumbling ship at sea.. Adrift. No one to zealously rally around. !


They are also ignoring that the NWO will keep attacking Trump even if he's in the WH. And are ignoring that he's too too too old. Anyone in the WH really trying to clean up the swamp needs 2 terms. DJT is tooo old. Politically the USA is completely adrift right now. No serious leader personality on the horizon. A ship at sea.. Adrifit. No captain nor would be captain to follow, or to zealously rally around. !

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Also.......... When you hear and see a VERY SLICK commercial like on this next link, and hear a man roar that he is the ONLY ONE who can save you from DC corruption.. YOU SHOULD KNOW, you should realize ... You're being conned. The man roaring, is secretly controlled by the machine he claims he'll take down. DO YOU have a short memory? He claimed that also in 2016. DID HE TAKE IT DOWN, or did it take down his office holding? Fooled you once shame on them. Fooling you repeatedly, SHAME ON YOU (and your naivete).


Vivek -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMv66D7Nr2U


Shiva -- https://rumble.com/v457cxk-relentless-deception-dr.-shiva-ayyadurai.html

DEAR READER: -- New Year Greetings and Good Wishes ....Now, let's get right down to brass tacks.... We'd like to bring you over the bridge to a new understanding. And that is this.. AT THIS POINT IN TIME 98% the kind of things we in the patriot realm have been talking about online for years now.. DO NOT MATTER. Let us repeat for emphasis.. DO NOT MATTER-- at this time. Because at this moment our house is on fire, and we have to get out fast. By that we mean, we are under exigent pressures to stop certain things from happening, or all else is meaningless. So if we are smart we face that fact and adjust. Many ppl have neither faced that fact nor adjusted. They still keep chatting on about certain topics like it was a handful of years ago. FOLKS, everything has changed. The RESET agenda is steadily moving along the conveyor belt toward our doorsteps, and we MUST stop it. That being so, all other topics at this time should get pushed aside as being NOT AS IMPORTANT and we must focus focus focus ONLY on the KEY very very very exigent issues. Which are these things--- These things that most be DWELLED upon, and STOPPED. These are the key issues of the moment --and all who care to save the nation SHOULD be focusing on these and putting all other topics aside for the time being because one has only so much mental energy in a day. THESE are the key key key EXTREMELY EXIGENT TOPICS.

1) W-H-O treaty, must be stopped

2) Digital money and demand for digital ID for all kinds of things like internet sign-on and movement thru society.. Must be prevented.

3) Mail-in ballots must be halted, BEFORE 9/24. --- https://daretoreadit.com/79068

4) Real time supervision of on-air tabulation posting must be done THIS YEAR, as fact-checking of the election count

5) Covid vax must be taken off the market

6) PPL must be warned to take NO vaxes of any kind, because all are now mRna poison

7) STATE actions to control border must be supported (like Texas is now taking)

8) 5G and smart cities must be halted

9) Mike Johnson must be tossed/replaced and all funding for Ukraine war and Gaza war must be stopped

10) Conservatives must start to see MAGA agenda and DJT as separate phenomena. Not one and the same. And a better candidate than DJT urgently sought. DJT is controlled by the Zio-NWO, Mossad and AIPAC. He's a trojan horse. If re-elected he will NOT do what he promises. THINK! How much of what he promised last time did he do? About 17%. Plus he acted for the Zio-NWO and imposed lockdowns and pushed the poison vax. He's a traitor. A trojan horse [He's not low in IQ, he knew what he was doing and that it was evil. He's controlled by the Zio-NWO. He's nothing more than a mouthpeice for zionst Stephen Miller's rah-rah conjob speeches. Period. That's it. That's all.]... He did not close the border. He did not lock Hillary up. He did not bring back hordes of jobs from overseas. He bloviated and postured and got lost in the frenzy of DC, which he was not prepared to handle (and still is not). And he let think-tanks push an array of verminous creatures at him to staff his administration. From Mike Pence on out.... He's a big showman, but not an morally reliable, nor broadly effective, statesman. MAGA folks must get off him and on to someone else. And as unlikely as it seems to be a good idea, until and unless someone better gets in the race, the SWITCH TO candidate seems VIVEK at the moment. We know he's a vain poser and a snake oil salesman, but among a heinous field, he, AT THE MOMENT seems the go to guy. Trump is a waste of time. Plus he's toooooo oldddd. As DeSantis says, we need someone for 2 terms. Yet DeSantis is obvioulsy not the guy because while an effective administrator, he has no innate political cleverness... Is feckless in public conversation and feckless with political strategy.

Again, we must emphasize, all other topics DO NOT MATTER at this moment. Because if we cannot handle these exigencies above, within 2 years the nation is gone. Done.

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Granted, this link is gonna contains a LONG COMMENTARY. But soooo important. The topic is-- WHY IT'S WRONG TO BELIEVE TRUMP IS THE RIGHT GUY FOR POTUS 24. There are many reasons. All very serious reasons. And we are going to, ON THIS LINK, be discussing them. But first let us comment this: We find it astounding that a momentum of positivity around his 'candidacy' has swelled to a large mass. Because the reasons he should NOT BE 'the guy'.. are extremely obtuse and self defining. Sure people who feed on corporate media can be easily influenced and swayed. But there are many folks who we have long expected to 'know better' than to invest zeal in a second Trump candidacy. Anyway, this draft will be developed in full over a few days. But right now, we shall Ask and Answer a vital question. WHO is the best candidate for POTUS 24?? ----- Emphatically it is - NOBODY currently running!... They are alll bad bad bad for varying reasons.





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This is going to be a very difficult article to develop and present because we can reliably anticipate THE PEOPLE this is being written for-- will have a very uncomfortable time hearing it. It will sort of as if they are quite young, still believe in Santa Claus, believe that guy at Macy's IS Santa Claus... and have just been told the guy is faking that role of being Santa, and is in truth is an alcoholic who is abusive in a marriage. it's not pleasant, it's not what one wants to hear or believe. And at last parts of one's mind and emotions wanna shake the input off and simply disregard it, disbelieve it reflexively. But the truth is, Trump is no more free and independent of the Illuminati and their evil plans, than a yo-yo knob at the end of a string tether. he's controlled opposition, a false face, a Trojan Horse. Who at any given time champions SOME good things verbally, once in a while does the same in actions, yet simultaneously SIDES with and transacts evil... on other, very important matters. It's vital that you not forget, he was anti-vax before being handed orders by the NWO to impose lockdowns and to tout a forthcoming jab for the arm (which of course was already on the shelf and ready for evil deployment). HE GAVE OUT AND PROMOTED these evils. And you know he is not a stupid man. And that he had to know these things were based on lies and deceptions. So he... is k-n-o-w-i-n-g-l-y ...evil. His evil deeds are not from naïveté. He knows the score. He knows what's up. His HANDLERS at the WH were Mossad agent Jared, and Rothschild agent Wilbur Ross. Trump is controlled by the evil monsters deviously manipulating politics and media with US DESTRUCTION agenda --behind all that they do.

Also, it's long been rumored there's an Epstein Island video of him being 'intimate' with someone way underage. We dunno if that's true. But we do know, historically, there was at least one legal accusation against him claiming forced sex with a minor.

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HOLY SMOKE !! -- Now read this. A truly demented idea, eh? NIKKI works for Israel. Let us repeat that for emphasis and boldly state it. NIKKI works for Israel. She's a treasonous traitor. Skeptical on that? Well call up and watch the video of her confirmation hearing to be UN Ambassador and just listen. It's glaring!... So then why would DJT be even considering this moronic sleazy crook Nikki, who is a warmongering political whore. Well folks because TRUMP works for the Zios, and the Zios run Israel. Are you seeing the symmetry of these data-dots.. Yet?


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A question for you... Do you honestly, sincerely believe AGING Trump, Miller-puppet'ed TRUMP, could and would PUT AN END to what's exposed on this next link? Could do so and would be able to do so? - Do you think that? Believe that?


Plus keep in mind Miller-puppet'ed TRUMP.. is 1000% behind and supportive of the ongoing IDF mass murder genocide in Gaza.


Just as ROVE was "BUSH's BRAIN"... Rabid Zionist STEPHEN MILLER is TRUMP's BRAIN". Sending DJT back to the WH will actually mean AIPAC/Mossad/Israel will then not only FULLY control Congress, but will FULLY control the WH and executive branch also. [And hold in mind THIS cabal, thru UN vetoes of ceasefire initiatives, is what is sustaining the 'hands off IDF' United Nations stalemate, stalemate that is enabling the IDF mass murder genocide in Gaza. The most horrific governmental mass murder genocide witnessed in modern history. Bizarrely - being witnessed thru media videos, in real-time, day by day. With *ONLY this cabal* (and it's political operatives) preventing UN moves to force a ceasefire.



Also, it is vital to understand... The ~illegal migrant invasion of USA~ .. [project].. is a project of the Jewish Zionist NWO Rothschild Cabal.

Zionist STEPHEN MILLER -so influentially pulls Trump's strings politically, putting Trump back in the WH is tacitly putting a Jewish Zionist in charge of the WH. And let's spin back and remember despite all the anti-migrant rhetoric, Trump did NOTT build the wall (although, as Ann Coulter many times pointed out, he could have legally appropriated to the task-- DOD funds --and DONE IT, at any time). So since the invasion at the border ISSS a Zionist 'ruin-America project'. And Miller (like Jared) is a rabid Zionist... SHOULD one REALLY expect a Trump/Miller regime would ACTUALLY, TRULY thwart-- the continued stream of border invaders? DJT didn't accomplish such a goal first time. Do you think the AIPAC-run DC political machine would allow him to --this time? "THIMK people THIMK". See thru the poses and the rhetoric and look at actions. Failed to build wall. Supports the IDF mass murder project in Gaza. A political campaign and cadre financed and puppeted by Zionist funding. What can one really expect from a new Trump/Miller occupancy of the WH?.. HONEST PATRIOTISM... Or more limited-hangout LIES and malevolent political actions. [Malevolent? Yes...Like covid lockdowns --and pushing of a poisonous shot in the arm. It was TRUMP not the DEMS who initiated/installed the Lockdowns and pushed the lethal-poison shot in the arm. Do you really real believe that he did not know from day one, covid was a psyop scam -and the jab - was/is - poison? Do you honestly believe that?]


[Christian churches in America have been gradually and steadily infiltrated and corrupted by Zionist bribery in the shadows. The Evangelical realm has been totally brainwashed and taught to support and advocate for its enemy, the Zionist-Israeli Rothschild Cabal (Rothschild family owns 80% of the land in Israel, either directly or thru proxies. Israel is an owned-property, not a 'sovereign state". And certainly not a 'democracy'. And absolutely not an ally or friend of the USA. Mossad was the lead agency in the group of entities which effected the 9/11 psyop. That psyop was scripted by Ehud Barak. Who also scripted the 10/7/23 psyop in Israel. Both of them being *atrocity-propaganda* false flag psyops designed to 'justify' -insane responses.)]


After graduating from college, Stephen Miller began to work as a press secretary for Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, (currently an unhinged supporter of the Mass Murder in Gaza). David Horowitz connected them.

[After completing his graduate degree, David Horowitz lived in London during the mid 1960s and worked for the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation. He self-identified as a Marxist intellectual.]

Horowitz later helped Stephen Miller to get a position with John Shadegg in early 2009.

[Shadegg (2008): Israel's security in the region must be the most important consideration. There must be an ongoing effort to remove Hamas from all government involvement in Palestine. And we must ensure that the capital, Jerusalem, remains undivided.]

During the 113th Congressional term, Stephen Miller played a role in defeating the bipartisan Gang of Eight's proposed immigration reform bill.

In January 2016, Miller joined Trump's 2016 presidential campaign as a senior policy adviser. His wife is a Jewish woman who worked for VP Mike Pence [a Mossad/AIPAC controlled Zionist puppet, installed as VP to subvert the MAGA agenda.]


While in the Trump administration, Miller met repeatedly with British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, whom Miller described himself as a "huge fan" of. During the meetings, which were held off the White House grounds, Miller and Johnson "swapped speech-writing ideas and tips". Let's note and hold in mind, BOJO, who is secretly controlled by PNAC-Zionist Victoria Nuland, was the messenger of the NWO who flew to Zelensky and forced him to scuttle the peace deal he had signed with Russia to end the Ukraine war -(in the early stages of that ongoing madness).

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THIS ARTICLE IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. There will be more added to it within 24 hrs.

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Meanwhile, as a side note .... IT LOOKS LIKE the Zio-NWO "got to" YE (Kanye) and broke him down. He's crawling to the Zios now and begging for approval. Kissing up. Bending the knee. Eating his words of truth that he uttered during months previous. WTF? What did they do to him in the shadows?


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AND let us remind as we have pointed out many times since 10/7... HAMAS is a false face of Mossad, controlled opposition, and always has been. And the 10/7 drama was a defacto false flag to 'justify' MASS MURDER GENOCIDE in Gaza. Hold that in mind as you watch this and you can see that its CONSPICUOUSLY TRUE that Mossad had 10/7 staged --to 'justify' MASS MURDER UPON GAZA.


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Now for the bigger picture, a sad overview that a DJT oval office surely would NOT overturn.

"From the moment the fake vaccines first came out, Brian Wilkins said that 2024 would be the year of the great die-off, when masses of people who took the second round of the jab, but aren't already dead, will "die suddenly" from heart attacks, strokes, and cancer. His prediction has already begun to come true with countless, formerly healthy, young people now coming down with cancer."

by Mike Stone
(at - henrymakow.com)

With 2024 right around the corner, what can we expect in the coming year?

First, there's the bad news . . . A massive die-off among the "vaccinated."

Brian A. Wilkins who runs The COVID Blog (www.TheCovidBlog.com ) is a pretty sharp guy. His political analysis isn't spot-on, but when it comes to the virus hoax, he is one of the world's foremost experts. Everything he's posted on the subject since he began his website in 2021 has been 100% accurate.

From the moment the fake vaccines first came out, Brian said that 2024 would be the year of the great die-off, when masses of people who took the second round of the jab, but aren't already dead, will "die suddenly" from heart attacks, strokes, and cancer. His prediction has already begun to come true with countless, formerly healthy, young people now coming down with cancer.

That's one thing we can expect in 2024. A massive die-off with the majority of the deaths attributed to a non-existent virus.


More bad news we're likely to see is an increase in crime, particularly black-on-white crime.

In California where I live, and in many other places, the law is no longer being enforced. Packs of "youths" are allowed to descend on a store, ransack it, and then run out the door with as much merchandise as they can carry, and no one is allowed to stop them. If an employee of the store attempts to stop them, they get fired. If a citizen onlooker attempts to stop them, they get arrested. That is going to spread to other cities, particularly this coming summer.

Cash bail is no longer required in parts of California, even for felonies. That's likely to spread to other cities with communist-leaning district attorneys.

Murder rates will increase substantially.

Unchecked immigration will continue at the border. Hundreds of thousands, possibly even millions, of "migrants" will continue pouring into the country and then go immediately on the dole, collecting free money, food stamps, and other benefits.

On the other side of the world, Israel will continue bombing civilian targets and they will continue to murder and torture children. That's not stopping anytime soon. However, one thing that's not being reported on any Fake News outlet is the massive amount of casualties that the Israeli military is suffering. They're actually getting their asses kicked.

The Israeli military is not composed of battle-hardened veterans and they're ill equipped to win a ground war against anyone. They might have to pull back from Gaza in order to prevent an embarrassing military defeat. That would actually be a smart strategic move as their continued military aggression is leaving them further and further isolated from the rest of the world. But unless and until cooler heads prevail, that's not likely to happen.

There will almost surely be an attempt - maybe even several attempts - to launch another pandemic psyop. As much as I like to think the American people won't fall for another, all evidence points to the contrary. Everyone who wore a mask and took the fake vaccine the last time will do it again this time. Everyone who refused to boycott the hoax pushers and collaborated with the enemy last time will do it again this time.

Still, any efforts to launch another fake pandemic will be hindered by the loss of several propaganda outlets. Twitter is gone and the Deep State does not control X. As I pointed out last week, the Deep State appears to have lost control of CNN and the New York Times. Without complete control of the news and the ability to brainwash the masses, it's going to be extremely hard to launch another fake pandemic.

One thing to watch out for is the behavior of those who have overthrown the country becoming more and more desperate. That could result in a manufactured crisis - a cyber attack, a fake alien invasion (it's been on the books for years), a fake "terrorist attack" like 9/11, or some other sort of calamity. Be prepared.
