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By from net, Posted in Commentary

Entertaining in the opening minutes. Christie going savage hurt him. Hutchinson bashing DJT hurt him. Haley is a joke. As much of a joke as Pence. Both can be ignored. Scott can be ignored too because Tucker fleshed out that he's pro UKR war. Let's see what DeSantis says when it comes to UKR. We bet he's going to FAIL to denounce the war fully.
.........IS IT TRUE what the kid asking a question said?... That the top issue for young Americas is 'Climate Change'
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MID-DEBATE --- Bingo... he just did it........... DeSantis just sided with -- conducting the (evil) war. So he's useless.
... NOTICE THIS.... The only person on the stage saying the right things on important issues... is wet behind the ears and has no chance of winning. Interesting, eh? It's like Vivek is the Bernie Sanders of the GOP at this time. He'll be termed 'adorably idealistic'... but not politically seasoned enough to be in the WH.
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The plane the plane.... BOOM ... Haley just inadvertently outed the psyop. MOSCOW did nottttt shoot down that plane. MOSSAD - CIA - NATO - BLACKROCK did, in order to BLAME it on Putin. Haley works for Israel/Mossad. The psyop of the downed plane was done in order to HAND HALEY a talking point that UKR war is necessary because Putin is a monster who assassinates enemies. First of all Moscow, IFFFF they were going to eliminate that guy -would NEVER do so just a scant 2 months after his sins, and ---on the day of a GOP debate..... So BOOM, Haley just proved it was a *MOSSAD CIA NATO BLACKROCK* amateurish psyop, done to double down on pro war talking points, while the populace increasingly turns against the war.